2. Regret

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Tom's POV:

After I saw Tord, I was not in the mood to go to the grocery store anymore. I can't believe that commie is back! I thought he was dead!

I was kinda angry. I stormed into my apartment and locked myself in my room.

I wanted to take some Smirnoff when I remembered that I don't have any.

I groaned and took my phone. I was looking through my gallery.

There were not a lot of pictures. I was just bored. And then I found a fimiliar photo in there.

I opened it. It was a picture of me and Tord when we were in highschool. We were best friends. We always did something together. I smiled and placed the phone on the table.

I sighed when I remembered what happened today. Tord's still alive. But, he was acting...weird...i don't know.

I sighed once again and lied down on my bed slowly falling asleep.

Tord's POV:

I headed back. When I opened the door, Pauld rushed over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Tord, I was so scared! Where were you?" He said in a worried tone.

"I was just out for a while, Paul. Don't worry." I answered and without another words I walked into my room locking the door behind me. I sighed.

I just lied there thinking about Tom. I felt kinda lonely, but I didn't care, I was used to this and I think I deserve it. Maybe I should apologies.

I feel like I need to do that. I want to feel something except pain and beign lonely.

I should do something, but I was too tired to do so. I fell asleep feeling practilly no emotions. Nothing...

*time skip*

I woke up sun shining in my face. I groaned and checked the time. It was 6:49. I got up and headed to the kitchen expecting to see Paul and Patrick there, but all I found was a note.

I took it and read it.

Dear Tord,

we hope you slept well. If you are asking where we went, we are on a short...I guess you could call it holiday.

You told us several times that you can take care of yourself and we trust you.

We will be back after a week. Please, just stay safe, alright?

Much love,

                                                                               -Paul and Patrick

I placed the note back down. I guess I'm even more alone then before. I sighed and decided to go for a short walk to clear my mind.

I got out of the house. It was getting cold. The winter is coming soon and tomorrow is suppose to be snowing. I made my way to the park with hands in my pocket and sat down on a bench.

I closed my eyes and relaxed. I wonder how are guys doing.

Edd's POV:

I was making breakfast and invited guys to come over again. I think something is wrong with Tom. I mean, yesterday he looked pretty angry and he locked himself in his room.

I am kinda worried.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Matt. "Good morning Edd!" I looked at him and smiled.

"Good morning Matt." He walked into the kitchen and then Tom came in too.

"Morning..." He said in a tired and angry voice. "Hello Tom.." I answered as he sat to the table.

I placed a plate of pancakes in front of them and sat with them.

"So Tom. You seemed pretty angry yesterday. Did something happened?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Tom." "No." "Tooom." "No!" "Thomas!" "FINE!" He said in defeat and looked down.

"I...saw Tord yesterday..." He said in a quiet voice, but we could still hear him.
"What?" I said my eyes widen. "Really?" He nodded.

To be honest, I missed Tord. I mean like as a friend. And I thought he was dead...

"Where did you saw him?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Down the street...Why?" "Nothing..." I said. There was silence.

"Hey guys, should we all go out somewhere today? I'm bored out of my face!" Matt suddenly said. We looked at him.

"Well, I'll go." I said and smiled. "Urgh...fine!" Tom said in his usual grumpy voice. "So, after we eat?" I asked and they nodded in responce.

After we ate, we headed towards the park chatting with each other. But then when we arrived to the park, someone was sitting on a bench there...red hoddie...two devilish horns...Tord...

My eyes widen. Tom wasn't lying, he was alive. But, whatwas he doing here.

I wanted to ran over to him and give him a big hug, but then something happened...

Tord's POV:

I was just sitting there lost in my thouths. But suddenly someone in my head talked to me...

You are useless, you know that?

I didn't respond.

Aww, you want to apologies to your 'friends'? Heh. Well guess what, they hate you. Just look at you, you have a robotical arm, you're blind on your right eye, deaf on your right ear and half of your face is scarred and burned...you freak...

That words kinda hit me and I saw Tom with a harpoon gun in his hands and shooting down my giant robot out of the sky. My emotions were slowly returning to me, but It wasn't good.

I felt sadness, regret, pain, guilt and a lot more...and It hurt.

Yea, that's right! They hate you and they always will!

"Stop..." My world was blurry and I felt REAL tears in my eyes. I haven't felt something real since the...incident...

My vision was starting to give up. I was seeing black dots. I felt myself fating. My vision got completly black as I heard a loud bang and a pain in my head.


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