3. Help

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Edd's POV:

"Oh my god!" I screamed and ran towards him. I don't even know, why I did that. I kneeled down beside him. He was still breathing. I think he had some kind of panic attack? Maybe?

"Tord?" I said in a sof tone. He didn't respond. "Edd, what are you doing?!" Tom said with anger in his voice. "Can't you remember what he did to us?"

I looked at him and then back at Tord. His hair was a mess. Half of his face was scarred and burned. And his arm looked really bad...

"We should help hi-" I was cut off by Tom yelling at me. "No. Way. Edd." I ignored him and picked Tord up bridal style and started walking back to my apartment while I heard Tom cussing behind me.

*time skip*

I put Tord down on my couch and headed to the bathroom. Earlier I saw that Tord's arm was really badly injured and it needed some new bandages.

I searched through some cupboards. "Aha!" I said when I found what I wanted and took it with me. I walked back to the living room to see Tom and Matt sitting there. Tom looked mad, Matt just confused.

I carefully sat Tord up and rolled up his right sleeve. What I saw made me shake. I gently took off the bandages and looked at his arm. *gasp* His arm looked so damaged, it was all bloody and burned. I guess he really suffured. A lot.

"Ow...That must hurt..." I heard Matt say behind me. "Hm.." Tom just groaned and got up. "Tom, wait! Could you please hold Tord so he wouldn't fall down while I'll bandage his arm?" I said in a sweet voice.

"No way I'm helping that Commie!" He answered about to walk out. "Pleeeeeease?" I said. He looked at me and I made puppy eyes. He stared at me for a while. "Urg, fine! But I don't want that Commie near me." He said and walked towards the couch.

He was helping me while I was bandaging his arm. He was looking at his injured arm, but I couldn't read his emotions right now.

After we were done, I thanked him and he headed into his apartment. I sighed an looked at Tord. He looked stressed and tired. I lied him down and walked into the kitchen . I took some papers and started drawing. I didn't know, what it was, but it made me feel relaxed.

I hope he'll be alright.

Tom's POV:

I was getting bored and I needed some Smirnoff. I sighed remembering that I forgot to buy it. I got up and took some money. I locked my apartment and walked by the town making my way to the store.

*time skip*

I was walking back home when I heard my phone ringing. I took it out of my pocket and looked who was it. It was Edd. I picked it up.

Tom: Hey Edd.
Edd: Hey Tom. I need you to get here as fast as you can! I need your help immedatly!
Tom: Umm, alright..? And what happened?
Edd: No time to explain! Just please, hurry!

And then he ended the call. What's wrong? 'Well, I better hurry, he sounded like he was about to cry.' I thought and rushed into his apartment.

I kicked the door open. "Edd, I'm here, what's wrong!?" I yelled. "I'm in the living room!" He screamed back his voice shaking. I ran into the living room to see Edd kneeling down beside...him.

"Huh!?"I said when I saw Tord. His eyes were widen. Tears were coming out of his left eye, but blood was coming out of his right eye.

I gasped. He was lying on the ground screaming while blood was coming out of his mouth too.
I ran to them and kneeled down. When he noticed me, he screamed even louder and shut his eyes. He was shaking like crazy.

"What are we gonna do, Edd?" I screamed at him.
"I don't know!" He responded tears rolling down his cheeks.

Tord's POV:

What's happening? I feel blood coming out of my mouth. Everything hurt. After a while I was fating. I heard nothing. My vision was getting blurry. I couldn't breathe.

After a while my body gave up. My vision was black and all I felt was pain...slowly going away...until it stopped...

Emotionless... (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now