23. He's back...

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Edd's POV:

We were trying to calm Tom down until his phone started buzzing.
Tom carefully picked it up.

"It's the hospital!" He said and looked at us scared. He answered the call.

Tom: Y-yes?
Hospital: Hello, we need you and your friends in the hospital right now!
Tom: W-what? Why?
Hospital: He...he woke up...

Tom's 'eyes' widen. "Understood! We will be there right away!" He said and ended the call.

He took me and Matt's hands and started running. "What happened, Tom?" I asked him.

"He, uhh..." He paused and took a breath. "He's back..." He finished his sentense. "What!?" Me and Matt said in unison.

We kept running until we reached the hospital. When the doctor saw us, he ran towards us. "Glad you're here. Tord wants to see you."

We followed him into a big white room with a bed...and Tord!

Tord's POV:

That's not possible... I couldn't die...could I? How did I come back here then? What happened?

I sat on my bed. I was really confused and lost. Oh, I just want to see my friends...

"Tord!" I heard someone yell. I snapped out of my thoughts. 'I know that voice...' I looked at the door.

Suddenly Tom ran up to me and hugged me. I was suprised, but hugged back. I could feel tears in my eyes.

"Thank godness, you're alive!" He said and pulled away. His 'eyes' were red and puffy. Wait, was he crying? But why?

"What happened?" I asked him. I lied back down, because I was feeling dizzy.

"You died, Tord! You freaking died! It was like an hour since then!" Tom said. I could see tears in his 'eyes'.

"That can't be true..." I answered. "But it is..." Edd said and with Matt walked up to me. "But...how?"

A nurse came in the room. "You died while you were on the surgery from blood lose... We tried to save you, but we didn't. And now, you're here..."

We stared at her. "That's right! The surgery!" Tom said and took my arm.

It was...robotic... I sighed when I saw it. I remembered. "When will I be able to go home?" I asked the nurse.

"We will check if you're not injured and okay." She said and walked out of the room.

"Do...not...do that...again..." Tom said and looked at me in my eyes. "H-huh?" I answered slightly confused.

"Tom was really broken when he discovered the news. He's been crying since then..." Edd said. Tom blushed slightly.

I looked at him. "Why?" I asked him. He looked down. It was completly silent in the room.

"B-because I...uhh I..." Was all he said. "Tell him, Tom." Edd said. "Tell what?"
He looked up at me.

"Tord..." He said and moved closer to me. I blushed. "I-I... I love you..." He said. My eyes widen.

'W-what? He likes me back!? Oh my god, oh my god, oh...my...god...'
I thought to myself while looking at Tom. He looked down again.

"Tom...look at me..." I said. He slowly looked in my eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed my lips into his.

His 'eyes' widen. He kissed back. Edd and Matt were fangirling in the background, but we didn't care.

After a while we pulled away. I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. "I love you too." I said.

"Y-you really do?" He asked. "Of course!" I said as I pulled him away.
He smiled. Even though his 'eyes' were black, I could see happiness in them.

We started chatting and laughing. We were happy. Really happy.
We sat there until a nurse came in.

"Sorry to interupt, but we need to check Tord up." She said. "Can he go home after that?" Tom asked. "We will see." She answered.

The boys stood up and walked out. Tom looked at me with a smile. I smiled back.

*time skip*

"Tord is allowed to go hone!" The nurse said to the boys. "Yay!". They said and ran into my room.

I smiled at them. I was happy that they are happy. I carefully stood up.
Everything was spinning...I felt dizzy...my head hurt...

"Urgh..." I said and held my head in pain. I almost fell, but Tom catched me.

"Thanks..." I thanked him with a smile. "He will feel dizzy for some time from the blood lose. I will give you some pills." The nurse said.

We nodded. I tried to walk, but fell down. I tried again, but failed. "Let me help you." Tom said.

"Wha-" I was cut off by Tom picking me up bridal style. I blushed a little and smiled.

"So, ready to go hone?" He said. I nodded and we walked out of the door. "Goodbye, call when something's wrong!" The nurse said.

"We will!" Edd yelled and we made our way to the car.
Edd opened the door for me and Tom helped me in.

He sat next to me. Edd and Matt sat in the front. Edd started the car and we drove home.

It was getting late and it was dark outside. I yawned. My eyes begun to close.

I rested my head on something warm. I cuddled to whatever it was. I realized it was Tom.

He wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me close to him. I smiled and slowly fell asleep.

Hey guys!
So it finally happened, huh? They're together. But that even means...

That the book is gonna end soon... I'll try to make it longer. I know that you like this book.

And I'm also planning a completly new book! I hope you will guys like it as well!


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