5. Broken

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Tord's POV:

I woke up pretty early. I would sleep longer, but ever since the incident I can't sleep very well.

I sighed and got up. I walked to the kitchen to see Edd standing there making...bacon!

"Good morning Tord!" He said and smiled at me. I tried to force myself to make a smile, but failed. "Morning Edd." I said without emotions and sat down to a table.

He placed a plate with bacon in front of me. I thanked him and ate.

I wasn't hungry at all, like usual, but I didn't want to dissapoint him. So I just ate it.
He just kept smiling and sat next to me.

"So, sleep well?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, not really. Every single I'm just having nightmares." He looked at me with a worried look. "I'm sorry for that." "It's alright, It's not your fault, Edd." I said and tried my best to smile, but I couldn't.

After we ate, I decided to go visit Tom. I don't have anything better to do anyways. I made sure to tell Edd where I'm heading. "Just please, don't kill yourselfes!" I heard him scream at him before I closed the door. "I'll try."

I knocked on Tom's door. No answer. I knocked again, but louder. I heard some footsteps walking towards the door.

He opened the door and stared at me with half tired, half suprised expression on his face.

"Hey, Tom." I said and waved at him. I tried smiling, but failed once again. "What to you want?" He said with quite annoyed face. "Just came to see how are you doing. Can I come in?" I answered in a sof tone.

"Umm...why?" He said. "I don't know. Just a short visit." He sighed. "Fine..." He said and let me in. His apartment was quite big. He walked past me and headed into the kitchen. I followed him. 

He sat to the table. I saw his guitar broken, there were a lot of tools. Looks like he wanted to fix it. "So uhh...how are you doing?" I asked him. He didn't even look at me. "Oh, you know. Alcohol and trying to fix my quitar." He said with a sigh.

There was awkward silence for a while. "...I can fix your guitar..." I said in a quiet voice. He stood up and looked at me. "You-you can?" "Yes." I said and sat on the chair. I immedatly started working.

It was quite hard since I couldn't move with my right arm very well. But I tried my best.

Tom was just standing there looking at me and then he walked into the living room.

When I was almost done, I accidently hit my arm of the table. "Ow!" I said as held my arm in pain. Tom came in and saw me clutching my arm.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

I looked at him. "Y-yeah, just a little pain in my arm." I said and looked back at the guitar. I got back to work trying to ignore the pain. "Okay..." He said and walked back.

After a few minutes, I finally managed to finish it. I carefully grabbed it by mygood arm and walked into the living room. "Hey Tom. I'm done." I said.
He looked at me and stood up. He walked towards me and I handed him the guitar.

He stared at it for a while. He played some tones on it. It sounded good.

"Wha- How did-" He said and looked at me his 'eyes' widen. "Do you like it?" I asked him feeling nervous. Finally I feel something other than pain...

Silence. "Y-yeah...Thank you..." I felt something hit me mentally. But it felt...good...

And then I finally managed to do something... I smiled at him. But it was fake.

Or not?

Tom's POV:

He smiled at me. I could feel my cheeks heat up a little. "How did you even managed to fix that?" I asked him. "Well, you know. I like to fix and invent some stuff." "Yeah, just like your giant robot!" I said. He looked down.

I immedatly felt a wave of anxiety take over me. There was silence until I heard him sobbing lightly. "T-Tord, I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I said regretting what I said before.

He looked at me. His left eye was filled with tears and the other one was bloddy. I gasped and lied Susan down. I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed small circles on his back to calm him down. He didn't hug back, but didn't pull away neither.

After he calmed down, we pulled away. "Hey Tord, can I ask you something?" He just nodded.

"How much did the robot explosion damaged you?" I said and looked at him with a worried look.

He looked away. "Well, I'm blind on my right eye. Deaf on my right ear, my right side of my face is burned and scarred and..." He paused. "I will have to take a surgery this month...with my arm..." He said looking down. I gasped.

Silence again. I looked at his arm. It was maybe bandaged, but you could tell that there was a lot of blood...a lot...

"I'm sorry for that..." I said. "It's alright. It's not your fault. If I wasn't in my dream world of taking over the world...I'm such an idiot..." I looked at him. "I am the one that's sorry!" He suddenly screamed tears falling down his cheeks.

He feel to his knees and cried. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." I kneeled beside him and hugged him again. He hugged back this time and sobbed into my chest.

"There is something wrong with me...but I don't know, what..." He mumbled under his breath. "What was that?" "Nothing..." He answered and then we just kept quiet.

After a while the sobs died. I looked down at him to see him asleep. I sighed and smiled a little as I picked him up placing him on my couch. I picked up my Susan and took it into my bedroom. I placed it on the table and headed back to the living room.

I hope he'll be alright...

Hello, guys! I see that a lot of you really like this book! Don't worry! I'm gonna be uploading everyday.

Also, It's true that I have to take a surgery very soon. It's gonna be on 23.4.2018.

So I will not upload that day. Well, maybe I will write a new chapter a bit sooner or something.

Oh well, see ya!

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