20. The little miracle

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Do you recognize the little miracle up here? I drew her by the way. Hope you like it!

Tord's POV:

"So, guys, we're back home!" I heard Edd say. "Uhh Tord, can you please wake Tom up?" Edd asked and looked at me. "Sure." I answered and looked at Tom.

He was sleeping. He looked so cute. I gently shook him. "Tom, wake up. We're home." I said. He groaned a little, but he was still sleeping. "Tom." I said again, but a little bit louder.
He slowly opened his 'eyes' and looked at me.

"Uhh, what?" He said and rubbed his 'eyes'. "We're home." I answered and smiled at him. "Oh." Was all he said and got out of the car.

I followed him and took my bag with a little...suprise for Thomas. I opened it to see the little miracle still sleeping. It was opened sligtly so she could breathe.
"Tord, are you coming?" I heard Tom say. "Yeah!" I answered and we walked into our apartment.

We started to unpack our stuff. When Tom was done he walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I opened the bag to see the little kitten looking at me with her different coloured eyes.

She really looked cute. Now I can understan why Tom was looking at her for so long and why he didn't want to leave. I carefully put her out of the bag and started petting her. Her fur was black and soft.

I peeked into the living room to see Tom still sitting on the couch. He was mumbling something. "I miss...Moonlight......I...wish......" Was all I could understand. I looked at the nametag. Her name was really Moonlight.

Tom looked kinda sad. I looked at Moonlight then back at Tom. 'Maybe If I'll give her to him, he will be happy...' I thought to myself and picked Moonlight up.

"Tom?" I said. He didn't even look at me. "Yes?" He simply answered. "I-I've got something for you..." I said. He looked at me. "What is i-" He didn't even finish the sentense when he saw Moonlight cuddled in my arms.

He gasped and stood up. "M-Moonlight?" He said and looked at me. I smiled at him. "Yeah. I know how much you wanted a cat and I remember what happened in the past, but...I know that you still want one, so..." I said.

He looked at me. He smiled. I could see happy tears form in his 'eyes'. He hugged me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He kept saying.

"Heh, no problem. Here you go." I said and handed him Moonlight. She looked at him and purred. She looked happy. Tom hugged her. "Thank you so much Tord." He said and kept smiling.

I blushed a little. His smile looked cute. I am always so happy to see his smile. "You're welcome."
I answered and we sat on the couch chatting and petting Moonlight.

Tom's POV:

We sat there talking with each other until we heard a knock. "I'll go open." Tord said and stood up. "Hey Tom!" I heard Edd say. He ran to the couch and stared at the cat for a while. "You've got a...cat!?" He said and smiled.

"Heh, yeah. Tord bought me one." I answered and smiled back. Tord came into the living room. Edd looked at him. "That is so sweet of you Tord!" Edd said and smiled at Tord. Tord smiled back.

"What's it's name?" Edd asked. "Moonlight." Me and Tord answered in unison. "Aww! Can I hold her?" Edd asked. "Sure." I said and handed him carefully the kitten. He sat next to me and started petting her while she purred.

Tord was smiling. I blushed a little. He looked so cute! Wait, Tom! Stop thinking that way, he would never like you back! But I can't stop what I'm feeling.

"She should meet Ringo!" Edd said and smiled. "Can I go for him?" He asked. "SUre, they could be friends." I answered, but kept thinking about my feelings towards Tord.

I mean, he's my friend. For sure. But I think I'm seeing him more than just a friend....... Do I really like him? I put my hand on my heart. It was beating faster...again.

"Umm Tom, are you okay?" Tord asked me snapping me out of my thoughts. "I-I'm fine! I just got lost in my thoughts is all!" I said. I could feel myself blushing. "Umm...okay." He said.

Edd came into the room with Ringo in his arms. He placed him next to Moonlight. They sniffed each other for a while. Suddenly out of nowhere Tord took a ball. He showed it to them. They stared at it.

Tord threw the ball off the couch. The two little kittens started running after it. After a while they were playing with it. It looked so cute.

We were sitting on the couch talking about cats until Ringo and Moonlight came to us. They were looking at us with their big cute eyes. "Do you need something, little kitties?" I asked them. They looked out of the window then back at us.

"I think they want us to take them for a walk." Edd said. The two purred. "Okay, let's go! But wait outside for me. I have to tell Matt where are we heading." Edd said and knocked on Matt's place. 

We stood there in the hallway the little kittens sitting next to us. After a while Edd came out and smiled at us. "Let's go!" He said. We smiled back and walked out.

We started walking towards the park. We were having a confersation. I sometimes looked at Moonlight with Ringo. It looked funny. They were looking at each other and made some meow sounds. It looked like they're talkin with each other as well.

Welp, It looks like Moonlight's got a new friend!

Important! Please read!!!

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I just want to thank you. Thank you so much! I looked at 'Heartless...' and 5K views!? Really? And then this book. Over 1K! I really can't believe it!

Thank you so much! By the way, today they're taking me to the hospital. I'm going to have a surgery tomorrow so I don't really know when will I write the next chapter, but I promise I'll do it as soon as possible!

So I hope you understand and don't be so suprised when there will be no chapter tommorow. I'm sorry. Well, that's all I gotta say. So bye bye!

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