6. Sleeping problems

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Tord's POV:

I woke up. It was dark outside. I checked the time and it was 2 am. I sighed and got up. I looked around and realized that I'm in Tom's apartment.

'Oh no, he'll kill me!' I thought to myself and made my way out.

I headed to Edd's apartment. I carefully unlocked the door and locked it again while i was inside.

I quietly made my way to my room trying not to wake anybody up and lied down on my bed.

I closed my eyes and waited. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, half an hour, hour, but I still couldn't sleep.My eyes were still closed though.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming towards my room. There was some creaking too. I just thought It's Edd and that he came to check on me for some reason.
I ignored it and tried to sleep again.

Someone quietly opened the door, but even after a few minutes he didn't closed them.

It was getting strange. I opened my eyes slightly. It didn't looked like Edd...

There was someone...but who? It looked like a silouete than an actual person. He walked towards my bed. I tried to say something, but couldn't. I tried to move, but failed. I was starting to feel unsafe.

All I could do is to watch him coming closer and closer. Then I noticed something in his hand...a knife. My eyes widen, I tried to scream, but failed. I couldn't breathe. My eyes were filled with tears.

The person was now right next to my bed. He showed me the knife he was holding and I could see a creepy smile on his face. So, this is how I die I suppose...I found a new emotion...fear...

I wanted to at least beg him not to hurt Edd, Matt and Tom, but I was powerless... I watched as he was smiling and then he put the knive into my lungs. I tried to scream in agony, but nothing came out.

I just couldn't do anything. My vision was getting blurry and the last thing I've saw was that person still smiling at me.

And then I woke up. But everything looked the same. I screamed and cried in agony, my breathing hurt. There was no blood, nobody was there, I could breathe normal again...wait...Did I just had...sleep paralysis?

I just sat there on my bed still crying and screaming. I was in shock. Even though it was over, I kept seeing the man with a knive in his hand and my own blood...

Edd's POV:

I heard screaming and crying coming from Tord's room. I got up and immedatly ran into his room. He was there sitting on his bed curled into a ball screaming and crying in pain.

"Tord! Tord, are you okay? What happened?" I asked him and sat next to him. He looked at me with pure terror in his eyes. And then he hugged me. His grip was tight.

"Edd......I just had sleep paralysis... It-It was horrible!" He said still crying and sobbing.

I rubbed circles on his back. "It's okay now. It's all over." I said in a calm voice.

"T-there was a man with a knive in his hand...(Hey, that rhymes!) and he was smiling at me creepily... I tried to scream, but I couldn't, I tried to move, but failed...I couldn't do anything..."

We sat there in silence. "I wanted to at least tell him not to hurt you, guys...but like I said, I couldn't talk..." "Calm down, It's alright. We're all okay and you are too." We pulled away and he looked at me.

"I am not okay, Edd..." He paused. "I'm burned." I looked at him confused. "What?"

"I am not broken. If I was, then I could be fixed, but if something is burned, then it can't just be fixed..." He said in a quiet voice.

"Look, I forgive you. I'm sure Matt will too." "Speaking of Matt, where is he? I haven't see him yet." He asked me. "He's with his parents, he will return tomorrow." I answered. "Oh." He said and yawned.

"You should go back to sleep now." I said and smiled at him softly. He nodded in responce and lied back down. "Goodnight Edd." "Goodnight, Tord." I said as I walked out of his room and headed back to my own. Poor Tord...

Tom's POV:

I woke up sun shining into my face. I rubbed my 'eyes' and got up not even bothering to make my bed. As I walked into the kitchen, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and there stood Edd.

"Good morning Tom!" He said and smiled at me. "Morning Edd." I said. "I was just wondering if you could visit me for breakfast." He asked. "Fine.." I simply answered and I followed him into his apartment.

Tord was in the kitchen. Man, he looked tired. His hair was a mess, his eyes were puffy and with bags under them and he shaking a bit. "Umm, morning." I said.

He didn't even looked at me. ".......morning..." He simply answered. His tongue was a bit numb.

I sat next to him. "You look...tired..." He stayed silent. He then stood up. "I'm going to take a shower.." He said and walked slowly into the bathroom.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

Edd looked at me and sighed. "Well...It was around 2 am when I heard screaming and crying in his room. He sat there curled into a ball shaking and crying in agony... He said that he had...sleep paralysis..." He said looking down.

My 'eyes' widen. "Really..?" He nodded, got up and took a cola can from his fridge. "He then couln't really sleep." He said and sat to the table with me taking short sips from his cola.

"Poor Tord..." I mumbled under my breath, but Edd could hear it anyway. "You care about him?" He said in a shocked voice. I blushed a bit. "No, of course not!" He chuckled. "Suuuuure." He said with a smirk what made me blush even more.

"S-shut it..." I said and continued to eat my breakfast. 'I hope he'll get better...'

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