4. Forgivness?

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Edd's POV:

"T-Tord..?" I panicked. He wasn't breathing... Tom was just silent. Nobody dared to make a sound. I was panicking.

"Tom! Call the ambulance! This is emergency!" I screamed and started shaking Tord to wake him up. He just nodded in responce and took out his phone.

Just when he was about to call and an ambulance, we both heard a sharp breath coming from Tord. He started breathing again. Even though it was a bit faster. He was gasping for more air and coughed a few times.

"Tord!" I said looking at him with tears in my eyes. He looked at me with a pure terror in his eyes. He was shaking a lot. He then looked at Tom and I could see that he was tearing up.

"Tord, It's alright. It's over." I said and carefully pulled him into a hug. He didn't hug back, but I could feel that he started to relax. After like ten minutes he calmed down, but was still in shock.

"E-E-Edd.......I-I......." He tried saying something. I looked him in the face to see tears slowly falling down his cheeks. I gave him a warm and a calming down smile. He sat down and looked around. The place looked like a murder scene. Blood everywhere.

"W-what...happened..?" He asked and looked back at me.

"Well, we found you passed out in a park, so I decided to help you. But after a while I took you here, you started to bleed. Blood was coming out of your eye and mouth. I was really scared..." I answered and looked at him with a worried look.

"How did that happened?" I asked him.

Tord's POV:

I now realized something. I felt something. But it wasn't good. I only felt pain and sadness.

But I cried for REAL for the first time after the incident... But I can't feel...happiness...or make a real smile... I'm just wearing a mask and tellling everybody that I'm alright.

But now, Edd asked me something I couldn't really answer. I didn't know, how it happened, or why. "Well, I guess I'm just...broken...This world wants me dead, Edd..." I answered looking at my damaged arm.

Silence filled the room. I looked at Edd again. "And Edd...why did you save me...?" No responce. "I don't deserve anything like friends or forgivness...And I know you hate me, so why?"

He sighed. "Look, even after what you did I just can't stop caring about you...And I still think of you as friend." I started to tear up again. "I-I-I'm so sorry! I don't know what's gotten into me! I never wanted to hurt you guys! I...I'm so sorry..."

I closed my eyes and started sobbing. Well, at least I'm able to feel...something...
Suddenly Edd gave me a warm hug. This time, I hugged back.

After we pulled away, he said. "I forgive you, Tord." And it was the first time I felt something except the pain and sadness...I felt...happy...

But I didn't smiled, because...I forgot, how. I then looked at Tom.

He sighed. "Look, after some time, I will maybe forgive you as well...maybe. But don't excpect it any time soon." He said with an annoyed expression.

"It's okay, I can respect that, Tom. To be honest with you, I didn't excpect you to forgive me anyways." I answered as he stood up and walked out.

I sighed and got up, but regretting it immedatly as I felt the pain shoot me in my head.
I tried again, but this time Edd helped me. "So Tord, I think you will be staying, at least for a while. Follow me to your new room." He said and I followed him.

"So, here it is!" He said as he opened the door to my new room. "Thanks Edd, I appreciate it." I said and yawned right after. "You should get some sleep, It's been a tough day for you." He said and smiled.

"Goodnight Edd." "Goodnight Tord." He answered as he closed the door. I lied down on my bed closing my eyes slowly drifting to sleep.

Thank you, Edd.

Tom's POV:

I was sitting in the living room as I was trying to fix my Susan. It's still broken. I sighed and gave up. I decided to take a shower and go to sleep.

I walked into the bathroom taking my clothes off. 'So, I guess Tord is gonna stay here for a while, huh.' I thought to myself as I turned the water on. To be honest, I don't know, what to feel. I felt angry. He was the person that destroyed the house, killed Jon and hurt me and my friends!

But on the other side, he looked...broken...and was acting a bit weird. After what I saw I was shocked. There was so much blood. I felt weird as the picture of Tord lying on the floor blood coming out of his mouth and eye as his screaming echoed in my head.

I shook my head to get the thought out. I turned the water off and changed into my normal clothes. I still wonder what's wrong with him...he looked weird...
Well, he was acting different... Like something in him was missing... What happened to him?

I made my way into my bedroom totally tired of what happened today. It was too much. My head hurt as I heard him scream in my head again. It sounded so painful.

I lied down on my bed slowly falling asleep. Today was too much for me...

Hello guys! It's me again! I just wanted to thank you all for the support you are giving me. You are the best guys!

And I can see that you like this book. And I checked on 'Heartless...' and "Holy shit!" thank you so much! Over 2K views!? Unbeliavable! Thank you so much guys!

Well, bye! Love you all!

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