24. Suprise part 1.

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Tom's POV:

We were driving home when I felt something warm on my shoulder. I looked at it.

It was Tord! I blushed a little, but I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him close. He cuddled to me and smiled.

I could hear Edd and Matt giggling in the front. It was a comfortable silence in the car until we arrived home.

I picked Tord up bridal style. We got out of the car and walked into the apartment complex.

"It's pretty late. Goodnight, guys!" Edd said as he was about to take Tord out of my arms, but I stopped him.

"Umm, goodnight to you too, Edd. But can Tord...you know....stay with me?" I said while looking at Edd. He smiled and nodded.

"Alright then, goodnight!" He said and walked into his apartment, so did Matt. I looked at sleeping Tord in my arms with a smile.

I walked into my apartment and walked into the bedroom. I placed Tord down on my bed.

I pulled the covers over him and crawled in bed with him. I wrapped my arms around him.

He cuddled to my chest and purred like a kitten. I chuckled quietly and kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight, my little kitty." I said.
"Goodnight, my Tomee bear." He answered and we both slowly fell asleep.

Tord's POV:

I woke up cuddled to Tom. I blushed slightly and gently kissed his cheek.
I carefully got out of my bed.

I walked around the place and searched for Edd. Then I realized...that they don't live together...

I was in the bathroom when I realized it. I looked in the mirror and glanced at my robotic arm with a sigh.

'And it's all my fault...' I thought to myself. I started to think about the incident.

Your fault...

You did this to them...

Do you really think Tom loves you? Hah, you're so stupid!

That last sentense hurt the most. I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone buzzing. I realized that I was probably crying.

I took my phone out. It was...Paul? Why would he call me? I answered the call.

Paul: Hello Tord!
Tord: Umm, hello dad. Why are you calling me?
Paul: Well, it's been a week and me and Patrick are back home.

I remembered. I almost forgot about my parents!

Tord: Uhh, yeah?
Paul: And we were wondering when you'll come back home.
Tord: Well, I don't want to dissapoint you, but I don't think I will...

I wanted to stay with Tom and the others. I just hope they will understand...

Paul: W-what, why?
Tord: I don't mean that I don't love you, but I...kinda made up with one of my friends and I just...want to stay with them...

It was silence. I was nervous. 'What if they say no?' I thought.

Paul: W-we understand, son. But will you at least come and visit up sonetimes?
Tord: Of course, I love you both!
Paul: Oh thank godness! Well, how about today? At 13:00?
Tord: Sounds good! And...I need to talk with you about something anyways. Bye!
Paul: Alright! Bye, Tord!

I ended the call and sighed. I'm really happy to see them again.
I want to talk with them. I need their help...

I walked into the kitchen to see Tom already there. "Good morning." He said. I walked up to him.

I smiled at him and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Good morning." I answered.

He blushed slightly, but smiled back.
I chuckled and hugged him.
"Jeg elsker deg." I said.

I pulled away still smiling and decided to make breakfast. He sat on a chair and pulled out his phone.

"I'll go visit my parents at 13:00 today for a while." I told him and placed a plate with eggs and bacon in front of him. He looked at me.

"Okay then. Don't be gone for too long or I'll miss you too much." He said.
I chuckled and nodded.

I sat next to him and we started eating breakfast. We heard a knock on the door, but since we were too lazy to stand up, we just screamed.

"Come in!" We said in unison. The door opened and there of course was Edd and Matt. "Hey guys!" Edd said.

"Morning." I answered. They sat to the table with us. "So, do you want to go sonewhere today?" Edd asked.

I looked at him. "When? Where?" I asked him. "I don't know, just a hang out." They said. "At 12:30." Edd said.

"Umm, I have to meet my parents at 13:00." I said. Edd looked at me upset. "Aww, but I understand." He said.

I smiled at the small cola boy. We were there chatting for a while until we heard a little meow.

Moonlight. I smiled and picked her up. I started petting her and got lost in my thoughts again. When I came back to reality, Edd was waving his hand in front of my face.

"What?" I said confused. "You spaced out for a while." Tom said. I smiled at him.

"I was just...thinking about something..." I said. "Like what?" Matt asked. "It's a little suprise." I answered.

"A suprise!? What!? Where!?" Matt screamed. "A SECRET suprise." I said.

He calmed down. "Aww... But it IS for us, right?" He asked. I chuckled and nodded.

I hope they will like it. I have to make it up to them...

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