7. What's wrong

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Tord's POV:

I was in the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirrior. My face was destroyed, bloody, burned and scarred. My arm was maybe bandaged, but you could still see blood. I sighed.

"I wish I could feel happiness again, I completly forgot how does it feels to be happy..." I said to myself. I took my clothes off. I took a short shower. My head was pounding. It hurt.
I then quickly changed and made my way back to the kitchen.

"Welcome back, Tord!" Edd  said. "Hey..." I answered and didn't even realized that I sounded like a robot. I sat with them to the table. "Are you alright, Tord?" Edd asked me. I just nodded.

"Are you sure? You look pale." He said worried. "I'm...alr-" Before I could finish the sentense, my head started to pound. It hurt. "Argh!" I groaned a bit and held my head in pain.


I shut my eyes, but I could feel like everything was spinning. I then fell to the ground. It was hard to breathe. "Tord! Oh my god!" I heard someone scream, but couldn't recognise the voice anymore.

I tried to do something. I tried to move, to speak or open my eyes, but nothing.

I tried to scream. I was succes. I just screamed in pain. It was all I could hear now. Then I could hear my scream slowly going away until I heard nothing...

Tom's POV:

"...Tord?" Edd said with pure terror in his eyes. I think he just fainted. But why?

"Do something!" Edd yelled at me tears rolling down his cheeks. "What the hell am I suppose to do?" "I don't know!"

We just yelled at each other. He was panicking, I was confused. We then heard someone. We stopped and looked at Tord. "Urgh.........." We heard a groan coming from the Norwegian.

He opened his eyes slowly and then looked at us. "....Guys?" He said in a quiet voice. "Tord! You're alright!" Edd screamed and hugged him tightly. "Uhh....Edd! Easy on the hug, will ya?"

"Oh, sorry!" Edd said and pulled away. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What happened?" He asked and looked at us. "Well, you were holding your head in pain and then you fainted or something."

"Oh..." He answered trying to get up, but failed. I don't even know, why I did that, but I helped him to stood up. ".......Thanks..." He said quietly.

"You're welcome..." I answered. Then I noticed that he was holding his injured arm. "Uhh, how's your arm?" I asked him. He looked at it. "Nothing it just...hurts..." He answered.

There was silence. "So, wanna guys watch a movie?" Edd said with a smile. "Okay!" We said in unison and we headed to the couch. "What about 'The Return Of The Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 1'?" Edd asked. It was Tord's favourite. "Okay..." He said.

The movie started. There were a lot of jokes and we all laughed at it no MATTer how much we watched it, we always laughed. But Tord was oddly silent. He kept looking into the wall.

Something is wrong with him...but what?

After the movie ended, we watched some more. We actually watched a few more. Tord was asleep. "Umm Edd, can I ask you something?" I said as me and Edd stood up. "Umm, sure." He said as we both walked into the kitchen.

"So, what is it?" He asked. "Well, It's about Tord... Have you also noticed that he's acting kinda...strange or something?" There was silence between us. "Actually now that I think about it, yes. Yes I did."

"I wonder what's wrong with him." I said looking down. "Are you worried about him?" He asked. I looked at him. ".......Maybe." I answered a slight blush appering on my face. "Aww! That's okay. I am too."

"Do you think he'll tell us if we just ask him?" I looked at him. "I don't know. But It's worth a try." I nodded when we heard some footsteps coming from the living room. It was Tord. He walked into the kitchen and looked at us.

"Umm, Tord, can we-" Edd was cut off by Tord. "I know, I know. I'll tell you." He said in a low tone." We sat down on some chairs. "So, what's wrong?"

"Well, ever since the incident happened, I've been living with my...you could say friends. They cared about me and they were worried about me. But something was just strange. I just didn't know, what." He paused and looked down.

"I couldn't feel almost anything. I couldn't really smile. If yes, it was fake. I couldn't feel anger. They tested it on me. They even turned on 'Sunshine Lollipops And Rainbows...', but I wasn't really angry. I couldn't feel anything. Happiness, saddnes, anger...only pain and guilt..." He finished his sentense and looked at us.

Edd's eyes were wide open and his jaw dropped. I was just suprised and confused. "But, I've seen you cry! And it really didn't look like fake." I told him. "That's the second part. Ever since I've met you guys again, I just...started to earn my emotions back. But I still can't feel happy..."

There was silence in the room. Edd was shocked, I was confused and Tord....well...I don't even know if he felt anything... "So that's why you didn't fight back or wasn't scared when I first met you and attacked you." I said in realizition. He nodded.

"Well, I am kinda tired. I'm going to bed." He said and walked out. "Goodnight, Tord." Edd said. "I think I'm going to bed too. See ya tommorow Edd. "See ya." He answered.

I was walking into my apartment. 'So that's what was wrong... So he was emotionless...? I kinda feel sorry for him...' I thought to myself as I walked into my room and fell asleep on my bed almost instantly.

I wonder if I can help Tord to be happy again.....

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