18. Truth or dare

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Tord's POV:

I woke up on the couch cuddled with Tom. I looked at him and blushed. He looked so cute...

I carefully stood up trying not to wake him up. I yawned and checked the time. It was 7:46.

I realized I was in Edd's and Matt's place. Oh yeah, we were watching a movie.
I was kinda hungry so I went to the kitchen. I just pulled out some bacon and eggs, because why not.

I started making breakfast. It didn't take long and I heard footsteps. I looked behind me to see Edd smiling at me. "Good morning Tord!" He said. "Good morning Edd." I answered and turned back to the food.

Edd took a cola out of the fridge and sat down. "So, what are we gonna do today, Edd?" I asked him. "Well, we could just go swimming and then we could play some games?" He said. "Sounds good to me." I smiled at him.

Then after a while Tom and Matt came into the kitchen. "Morning guys." Tom said. "Good morning, I made breakfast." I answered and placed a plate on the table. "Thanks..." Tom answered and started eating.

"So, today we're going to swimming in the sea and then we're gonna play some games." Edd said. We nodded and started eating.

*time skip*

"Are you ready guys?" Edd asked. "Yeah." We said in unison. Edd smiled and walked out of the hotel. We followed him. When we got there, I became a little nervous. I looked at my bandaged arm and sighed.

"Are you okay Tord?" Tom asked me. "Y-yeah..." I answered and we walked towards the sea.

I was really careful with my arm. But it was still nice. I just relaxed and talked with the guys.

Then they just started to splash water on each other. I stayed away, but they still spilled some water on my. My arm was fine, but my face kinda burned since there were no bandages.

I put my human hand on my cheek. "Ow..." I said.

They stopped and looked at me. "Are you alright Tord?" Edd asked. "Sorry for that." Tom said and looked away. I looked at them and smiled. "It's okay." I said.

They smiled back. "So, do you still want to stay here?" Tom asked me. "Yeah." I answered with a giggle. He looked at me confused. "What so funn-" I cut him off by splashing some at him. He chuckled making me blush a bit.

I ignored the burning pain on my cheek and just enjoyed myself. I was really happy.
We spent there a few hours which felt like a couple of minutes. We were laughing and chatting for like half an hour before we just sat on the couch and chilled.

"So, what should we do now?" Matt asked us. "What about we play......truth or dare?" Edd said. "Yeah!" Matt said. "Okay." I said. "Fine." Tom said.
We sat down on the carpet in a circle.

"Okay! So Matt, truth or dare?" Edd asked Matt. "Dare." He answered. Edd smirked. "I dare you not to look in any mirrors until the end of this game!" Edd said with an evil grin.

Matt gasped. "Okay......." He said and placed down his mirror.

Now it was Tom's turn...

Tom's POV:

"So Tom, truth or dare?" Matt asked me. "Umm......truth." I answered. "So, do you have a crush?" Matt said with a smirk. I blushed a bit. "U-umm.......maybe?" I answered sweating a bit.

"Ooooooookay." I glared at him. "Anyways...Edd, truth or dare?" I asked and looked at Edd. "Truth." "Is it true that you drank a hundred years old bottle of cola?" I asked him. He looked down. "Yes, it is." I saw a suprised look on his face.

"So, Tord. Truth or dare?" Edd asked. "Umm, dare." He answered. Edd started to think before Matt whispered something into his ear. They giggled and made an evil grin. Me and Tord were confused.

"So, I dare you to................." He paused. Tord was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"I dare you to kiss Tom on the lips!" He yelled. We both started blushing madly.

"E-Edd..." Tord said. "I will end you..." I ended his sentense. He nodded. Matt and Edd just chuckled. "We won't leave you alone until you do the dare!" Matt said and Edd nodded in agreetment.

Our faces were red as Tord's hoodie. "If you want to, we will leave you alone in the room. But you still gotta kiss!" Edd said with a steady vice as he stood up and walked out of the room. Matt followed behind.

We just sat there in an awkward silence. "Welp, I just quit." Tord said. "We can hear you and we won't leave you alone until you kiss!" We heard Edd yell from outside.

Tord looked at me and sighed. He moved closer to me. I was a blushing mess. "U-umm, Tord. What are you doing?..." I asked him. He moved even closer. We were staring into each other's eyes.

Our faces were close. I could feel his breath. "Please don't hate me for this....." He said. "What do you me-" I got cut off by him pressing his lips againts mine. I blushed a lot.

His lips were soft. Then I just lost my control. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed back. His eyes widen in shock, but relaxed again short after.

I saw a flash. We heard Edd and Matt fangirling us, but we didn't care. It was just me and him...

After a while we pulled away blushing.

"Yeeeeeeeeee!" Matt couldn't hold himself back anymore. "I SHIPPED YOU GUYS!!!!!!!" He screamed. We both blushed madly. "T-that doesn't mean anything!" Tord yelled his face red like his hoodie. "Y-yeah!" I yelled as well.

Even though, deep inside I felt a bit upset that this didn't mean anything... Why am I feeling this feeling...? "Suuuuuuuure." Edd said with a smirk.

Tord sighed. "Well, guys. I'm tired and I'm going to bed. See ya." Tord said. "Me too. See ya." I said and waved to Edd and Matt. After we closed the door we still could hear them fangirling.

When we got into our place, Tord sat on the couch staring into the wall. I sat next to him. There was an awkward silence between us. "Hey Tom." He said. "Yeah?"

"Why did you kiss back..?" He asked me. I stayed silent. What would he think about me? What if he doesn't feel the same way? "What if he'll hate me for this?

"I-I'm not...sure..." I said and looked away. "I'm sorry..." I said with tears in my 'eyes'.

"Hey, It's okay. I'm not mad, just a bit...suprised." He said and smiled at me. I looked at him and smiled back. "Thank you." I said.

I'm sorry Tord. But I promise I'll tell you, why did I do that...

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