12. Feelings and memories

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Tom's POV:

We've been enjoying the silence until I heard some quiet snores coming from Tord. I looked down at him. He fell asleep. He looked so cute...

I smiled to myself. I yawned and sighed. I had to wake him up even though I didn't wanted to.
"Tord?" I said and gently shook him. Nothing. "Tord." I said again a little bit louder
He groaned, but still didn't wake up.

"Tordie!" I screamed. He jumped making me giggle. "What!? Oh. What, Tommie." He said and smiled at me. I blushed a bit. "Uhh...We should go back..." I said. He nodded in agreement and stood up.

I looked at the sun going down the last time before following him. I don't even know, why, but I grabbed his hand. I liked the feeling, I guess? I felt safe.

When we got into our apartments, we said goodbye to each other and walked into our apartments. I didn't wanted to leave him... I wanted to tell him that. But I held it in and walked into my own apartment.

Tord's POV:

I closed the door of Edd's apartment and headed to my room. I needed some time to think. To be honest, I already missed Tom. I wanted to spend more time with him. I want to be with him.

I lied down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. What's this feeling I have? I put my hand on my heart again. It was beating faster. Maybe Edd could help me...

I sighed and got out of my bed. I walked into the living room. Edd sat there on the couch petting Ringo while watching 'Professor Why'. I walked up to him and sat next to him.

"Hello Tord!" Edd said to me and smiled. "Hey Edd. Can I talk with you for a moment?" I asked him. "Of course." He said and turned the tv off.

"So, what is it?" He asked. "Well, umm..." I didn't know, where to start.

"I-It's about Tom...Every single time I'm with him or when I'm thinking about him, I'm feeling something...I don't know, what. My heart's always beating faster, It's a bit harder to breathe and I just want to spend more time with him." I said and looked down.

There was silence for a moment before I heard Edd chuckle. "What's so funny?" I asked him with a confused face.

"I know that feeling Tord. I'm feeling the same when I'm around Matt. And I know, what is it." He said and smiled at me. "What?" He smirked. "It's called looooooove!" He said. I blushed madly. "U-Umm......" I looked away still blushing.

"Heh, It's okay, Tord. I actually think Tom likes you too. But I'm am not so sure about Matt. I don't know, if he likes me." Edd said and looked away as well. We sat there in silence.

"To be honest, I think Matt likes you back. I mean, you're spending a lot of time together. I think you should tell him." I said and smiled at him. He looked at me and blushed a little. "Y-you think so?" I nodded in responce.

"Yeah. Anyway, thanks for telling me. You are a great friend." I said and hugged him. He hugged me back. "Happy to help and, thank you." He said. I pulled away and smiled at him again.

"Well, I think I'm gonna take a shower." I said and made my way to the bathroom. I took off my clothes. I then looked at myself in the mirror. I glanced over my arm and sighed. It always burns when I get it wet, but I haven't take a shower for around a week.

I sighed again and turned the water on. Not only my arm, but even my face burned. I was shaking a bit. Those cuts weren't that bad, but they weren't healed neither.

I was alone with my thoughts. I then started to think about the apartments. It's my fault. If I didn't destroy their house, they would still live together and I would never have those cuts.
Tears were formingin my eyes. I have to make it up to them somehow.

I turned the water off and quickly changed. I walked out of the bathroom. Edd was now in the kitchen drawing something. "Goodnight Edd." I said. He looked at me and smiled. "Goodnight Tord!"

I walked to my room and lied down on my bed. How can I make it up to them? I mean, I can buy some colas, mirrors and Smirnoff or something. No, that's not enough.

I kept thinking. Then and idea came into my mind. I know! I'll fid a job, earn somemoney and hire some builders to build their old house again! I smiled at the idea. But, where can I find a job? I yawned.

I'll start to look for one tomorrow. I'm getting really tired. I yawned again and closed my eyes. I will make it up to you all, I promise.

Tom's POV:

I was in my apartment. I didn't know, what to do. I sighed and walked into the living room. I turned the tv on and flipped through some random channels. It was playing 'The Cats'. I love that show!

I smiled to myself. I know It's weird, but I really like cats. They're cute. I always wished for a cat, but I never got one.

I looked at the table and saw a picture. I picked it up and looked at it. My 'eyes' widen. In the picture was me and Tord. We were little kids and best friends.

And I was holding...a cat? And then I remembered...
Tord always knew I like cats. Then he found one little kitten in the allyway.

He gave it to me. I was really happy! His name was Ginger since his fur was Ginger. We all really liked him. But one day...a car crushed her... I saw it all. He was lying there...on the ground covered in blood...

I remember I was really sad. But Tord was alays there for me. He helped me get through this. He helped us all. After that I never had another cat, because I was too scared that it would be exactly the same.

I wiped some tears away and hugged the picture. Tord did so much for me. I lied down on the couch still hugging the picture. I still want a cat though, even after what happened.

I closed my 'eyes' and after a while I was sleeping peacefully. I had a dream about Tord and me right now. We were in our old house holding a cat. He was smiling at me and I was smiling at him.

Thank you for everything you've done for me, Tord...

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