Chapter 1: My 18 Birthday

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Hermione's POV

"Wake up Hermione dear!" Mum's voice floated through my room. I groaned, and rubbed my eyes. "Coming Mum!" I yelled. Then I realized something. It was my 18 birthday! I jumped out of bed to get ready. I started to brush my bushy brown hair, and when I looked in the mirror. I screamed. I had olive skin, straight, waist length black hair, green eyes, was a few inches taller, and wait....... I had a marvelous body! I was now even skinnier, my chest was bigger, and had curves. "Mum! What happened to me??!!" I screamed. I heard my Mum sighing downstairs. "Just finish getting ready Hermione dear, and I'll explain everything." My Mum said. "Ohh kay....." I said confused. Explain what? I hurriedly got changed. I pulled on my clothes, only to find they too were a little tight........ Oh well. I sighed, but when downstairs. "Mum? Where are you?" I ask. "In the living room honey!" Mum says back. I walk to the living room, to find two other people in my living room. Blaise Zabini, and one stranger, who I'm guessing is his mother. "There you are Hermione!" Mum said. "Why are they here Mum??" I asked. "Oh well....that's what I have to explain......" my Mum said. I frowned. "Explain what?!!" I yelled. My Mum shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "Well, um, the fact that you are adopted....." my Mum said. "WHAT?!!?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT I'M ADOPTED??!!!" I screamed. My "Mum" started to cry. "The story is, well, that Amara here, had twins, but the Dark Lord was to kill every newborn girl. So, I, being her best friend, decided to take you in as my daughter, when you were 2, and be your mother figure as you grew up. One reason we took you in was because Henry and I found that we were unable to have children." "Mum" said, crying even harder. "Oh." I looked down, ashamed. "So, you're my Mum....and you're my twin brother....." I said, talking to Amara and Blaise. "Yes, dear." Amara said. "Yup!" Blaise said. "You're my long lost sister!" I rolled my eyes at him, and my mum, Amara, laughed. "So, um, you'll be going with them." My "dad" choked out. "What?! But, but, I've lived here all my life!" I exclaimed. "Yes, but, Hermione, it's time for you to go with your real family. Plus, we will visit a lot!" My "mum" Jean said. "Oh, well, okay..." I said. "Happy 18 birthday dear!" My "Mum and dad" said, along with my real Mum. I thanked them, but then sighed, and went to get packed. "Hey. Mum said to help you get packed." A voice said. "Oh my goodness! Blaise! You scared me!" I yelled. "Oh. Sorry sis!" Blaise said. "Well? What are you doing? Help me pack!" I said. "Oh! Right! What should I do?" He asked. "Pack all of my books." I said. "What?!! You have too many!!" He said. "Blaise. Zabini. You. Are. A. Bloody. Wizard." I said. "Oh right....." he said and all my stuff packed. I shrunk my trunks, and went downstairs with Blaise. "Uh, I'm ready now Amar-Mum." I said. "Great! Say your goodbyes, and we'll be on our way." Amara- no Mum said. After a lot of tearful goodbyes, we were on our way. "Um, is Hermione my real name?" I asked. "No. Your real name is Aurora Hermione Zabini." Mum said. "Yeah, but we call you Mia!" Blaise said. "Oh." I said, confused. Then I realized it came from my name, Hermione. We then Apparated to Zabini Manor. I swear, it looked even bigger than Malfoy Manor! (Which was huge!) When we got inside, a little girl hugged my legs. "Bella! Let your sister inside!" Blaise said. "Wait, are you my little sister?" I asked. "Yup! I'm 4!" Bella said, holding up 3 fingers. I laughed and scooped her up.

Okay guys, this was my first chapter! How was it? Do you have any suggestions? What did you think? Tell me please!

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