Chapter 25

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Draco's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. Wait. Hermione had taken me back last night! That stupid girl, Padma Patil, had put a love spell on me. Ugh. But now I was back to normal, and back with Hermione, the girl I truly loved. "Hermione?" I yelled. "Yes Draco?" She replied. I opened my door. "I love you so much!" I exclaimed. She grinned, and ran up to me, embracing me in a hug. "I love you too, Draco!" She replied. "Um, Mione? Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" I asked, nervously. She smiled. "Of course!" I grinned at her, and took her hand. When she didn't question what I was doing, I led her down to the Christmas tree. I mean, we had forgotten it was Christmas!

When we got downstairs, the Christmas tree sat there, in all its glory. "Merry Christmas Mione!" (Do British people actually say Happy Christmas?) "'Oh! I nearly forgot! Merry Christmas Draco!" She said. We swapped presents. I had gotten a set of Muggle clothes, because I secretly loved them. I'd gotten Hermione a necklace, a ring, and a book. (Pictures in Chapter 21) "Oh my gosh Draco! These are beautiful! And I love the book! I've always wanted it!" She exclaimed. I smiled. "Glad you like them Mione! I love my Muggle clothes, they're so comfortable!" I replied. She laughed, and I laughed along. We went to the Gryffindor common room, and exchanged presents with everyone else, and even Pansy, Blaise and Luna were there. Later, our whole group walked to the Great Hall for breakfast, as we were all starving.

When we got there, my mother was standing there. "Draco! I'm sorry, but you, Pansy, Hermione and Blaise have to come back to the Manor for Christmas. We're so sorry we didn't tell you sooner!" My mom said. The look on Hermione's face was hilarious. I guess she's forgotten the expectations of Pureblood families. Although Pureblood's had changed, we still kept some traditions. I guess I'd forgotten too, and so had everyone else.

After saying our goodbyes to everyone, the four of us, well, five with my mom, Apparated to Malfoy Manor. The rest of the Zabini's were coming over.  Soon, the whole Zabini family had arrived. "Aurora! I've missed you so much!" Hermione's mom, Amara exclaimed. "I've missed you too mom, but I still go by Hermione..." Hermione replied. "Oh, no problem dear. Maybe we can change your name to Hermione Aurora Zabini?" Amara said. Hermione smiled, and nodded.

After everyone had settled in, I ran to the tree. "Guys! There are more presents!" I yelled. My mom and Hermione laughed. "He's just like a little boy!" Hermione exclaimed, and my mom nodded.

Hours later, we were all exhausted from opening presents (idk how...) and had just eaten dinner. We went to bed, and the parents let Hermione sleep in my room, and in their words, "as long as you two don't get any ideas!" That turned us both into tomatoes. Hermione had fallen asleep a little while ago, but for some reason, I couldn't sleep. I snuck out of my room, and went to visit my mom.

Narcissa's POV

I heard my bedroom door creak open. "Mom? It's me, Draco. I couldn't sleep, and I need to talk to you." A voice said. I relaxed when I heard it was Draco. "Come on in honey." I replied, and Draco entered my room. "What is it?" I asked. "Well, I'm in love with Hermione. And I want to propose to her, but I need your blessing, and the Zabini's. Do I have your permission to propose to Hermione with the Malfoy ring?" He said. Oh my god. My boy has finally found the girl he loved, and wanted to marry her! And not to mention that she was super smart, and gorgeous. Of course I'd give him my blessing, I ship them so much! "Oh my god Draco! Of course you have my blessing!" I exclaimed, earning a grin from Draco. Then his smile fell. "Do you think the Zabini's are going to be okay with it?" He asked. "I think so, they just met their daughter this year and it might be hard to give her away so soon, but they'd want what would make her happy." I said reassuringly. "Are they still awake?" Draco asked. "I'm not sure. I'd wait until tomorrow morning though, if I were you." I said. He nodded, and left the room.

Oh I'm so happy! My little boy may be getting married to the girl of his dreams. He deserves to be happy, and so does Hermione, especially because of everything they've been through. If Amara didn't agree, I'd make sure she did. The pair deserves to be together.

Hi guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! I meant to publish this yesterday, on Christmas, but I forgot, sorry! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! Also, Draco and Hermione might be getting married! There are probably going to be only 3 more chapters, so I'm excited to write those and finish this book! Thank you all for 4K reads!!! ily all!!!

~Gryffinclawin1129 <3

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