Chapter 2: the Zabini Manor

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Hermione's POV

My little sister laughed and screamed as I picked her up. She was definitely a cute little bundle of happiness. "So, um, Aurora, I'm sure you'd like to see your room!" Mum said. "Yes please!" I said, putting Bella down. Blaise led me there. The door read MISS AURORA HERMIONE ZABINI. It was beautiful. It was red and gold with some silver accents. It had its own bathroom, and walk in closet! The bed was HUGE. I walked into the closet, to find it fully stocked with clothes, all in style, and a lot of designer brands. And all in my size. I was so happy I could scream. But I didn't. "Do you like it Mia?" Blaise asked. "Omg, yes, I love it!" I yelled. "Let's go on a tour now!" Blaise said excitedly. "Blaise dear, why don't you let your sister rest for a little while, after all, she has had a long and confusing day." Mum said. "Thanks Mum." I said, gratefully glancing at Mum. She just smiled. Blaise frowned, but then said, "Well, tomorrow then!" "Yes, Blaise, tomorrow." Mum said. Sometimes, I think Blaise just acts like a little excited puppy. I laughed at the thought. I glanced at the clock. 11 pm! Wow! I really need to get to bed! I did my usual nighttime routine, and flopped on the-wait, my, bed. It was so comfortable. The next thing I knew was that it was morning, and the sun was shining in my eyes. I groaned. Just then, there was a knock on my door. "Miss Zabini? What would you like for breakfast?" A squeaky voice said. "Ummm, Nutella on toast please. And please call me, uh, call me, Hermione. What's your name?" I said. "My name is Ivy, Miss- um, Hermione." Ivy said. Ivy disappeared with a loud crack, and came back a second later with my toast. "Here Mis-Hermione." Ivy said. "Thank you Ivy! Have a nice day!" I said. She smiled at me, and disappeared again. As I ate my breakfast, I recalled everything that happened yesterday. I sighed, wondering what Mum and Dad, wait, no, Mr and Mrs Granger, were doing. Probably drinking coffee and reading the newspaper as always. I started to tear up, just thinking about my "parents." Just then, Mum, my real mum, walked into my room. "Aurora dear, what's the matter?" She asked. "I uh, was just thinking about my adoptive parents. I miss them." I said. "That's understandable dear. You'll see them soon, I promise!" Mum said, smiling at me. I smiled weakly back. "By the way dear, would you like to be called Aurora, or Hermione?" "Um, Hermione, or Mia for now. But  Aurora later, when I'm more comfortable." I said. "Okay Hermiome. Did you eat breakfast already?" Mum said. I nodded in reply. "Oh, and Hermione, Blaise would like to take you on a tour of our Manor. Whenever you're ready, just call him." Mum said. I nodded, and smiled at Mum. She then left me alone, in my room. Just then, I noticed a wall full of books. I smiled, and decided it was time for me to get ready, and explore my new home.

Ugh guys, this probably sucks, but oh well. My homework is so annoying! Why is it so easy to write this, but so hard to do homework??!?! I'm dying someone please help me and save me! I just wish homework was not even a thing! WHY IS HOMEWORK SO HARD!?!?!?! Okay, someone please help me, I'm literally dying! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm gonna fail science omg. No one in my class gets this homework, I'm screwed ugh. .

Wait, I'm not a Granger, I'm a Zabini?!?!?!?!?Where stories live. Discover now