
1.5K 16 2

Hi guys!

Before you get excited, no, this isn't a bonus chapter. Sorry! Maybe I'll write one in the future... anyway, it's been almost a year since I wrote this story. I started it on April 5, 2018 and now it is April 1, 2019. Today, this story hit 10K reads. It's unbelievable. I can't believe how far this story has come - from my story being read by a couple people (my friends that I made read this 😬😬) to over a thousand people who wanted to read this story of mine. And it's crap, so I have no idea how this story got so far, but I'm thankful for all of you. Huge shoutout to sourmelonade for making me get Wattpad in the first place. Big shoutouts to alexspasov11 and Jellyfruitk who were the people who helped me when I was first starting this story, shoutout to JacquieX for being an amazing ibf to me and supporting me so much, and to PheonixGuardian for helping me with ideas/terms and being supportive. Also, thank you to people in my life who have no idea I have Wattpad - you guys are in some of my stories as different characters, sorry! (You guys helped me come up with characters and story ideas, and so I thank you. *cough cough* my crush...) Without all of you guys, I couldn't have gotten this far. So thank you all. There will be many more stories to come, and maybe some bonus chapters in this story if I feel you guys are deserving of them. (You totally are. I'm just saying this to say this because I'm weird) anyway, I just wanted to say thank you because I never thought that this day would come. I love you all!!!

~Gryffinclawin1129 <3

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