Chapter 18

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Draco's POV

I sighed to myself. I had managed to make up with Hermione before it was too late. Why was I that stupid? Maybe I really was just meant to be the amazing bouncing ferret. But I couldn't let Hermione know that. She had been really scary when she was screaming at me. I know I deserved it though. "Hey, Draco, what are you thinking about?" Hermione asked suddenly, scaring me a little. "Oh, nothing." I replied. She frowned. "No, you were thinking about something. You get these cute little lines on your forehead when you're thinking. Plus, when I said something, you jumped." She said. Dang it, she knew I was thinking! "Never mind, Mione. It was nothing important." I said. She didn't look convinced, but dropped the subject. Internally, I sighed in relief. "Mione, do you want to go to the kitchens?" I asked. "Sure Draco." She replied. I stood up and extended my hand to Hermione. She giggled, and took my hand. "Why thank you!" She exclaimed. We walked hand in hand to the picture of fruit. She reached out and tickled the pear. "You know how to get into the kitchens?!" I asked, surprised. She laughed. "Of course! Who do you think I am?" She replied. We entered the kitchen, and the house elves surround us. "What can we get you, Mister and Miss?" One of them said. "Oh my gosh! Winky! You're still here? Do you like it here now?" Hermione exclaimed. The house elf beamed up at her. "Yes Miss Hermione, I is still here! I likes it here now! Winky is forever grateful to Miss Hermione!" The house elf said, apparently named Winky. "You know her?" I whispered to Hermione. She nodded, a smile on her face. "Winky made Miss Hermione her favorite dessert!" Winky said, suddenly appearing with a miniature apple pie. "Oh my! Thank you so much Winky!" Hermione said. She gave the elf a pat on the head, then Winky disappeared. Hermione turned and smiled at me. "Isn't she so sweet?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah. She is sweet. How do you know her?" I said. Hermione's smile fell. "Well, it's a long story. Fourth year, she was Barty Crouch's house elf, but when he sacked her, she became depressed and started drinking. I met her at Hogwarts, when Dobby got her a job. Over time, I helped her become a happier elf." She replied, some tears falling down her face. I hugged her. "I'm so sorry Mione, I didn't know." I said, feeling guilty. "It's alright." She said, tears still falling down her face. I knew what she was crying about. Dobby, who had used to be my family's house elf, had died during the war. She had been friends with Dobby, and was still very sad about his death. Winky came back, and saw Hermione crying. "Oh no! Miss Hermione, are you okay? Was it something Winky did?" She exclaimed. Hermione shook her head. "No, Winky, I'm fine, thank you. It was not anything you did." Hermione reassured the elf. Winky looked relieved, disappeared, and returned with a bottle of Butterbeer. "Here Miss Hermione, this should cheer you up!" Winky said, handing the bottle to Hermione. Hermione thanked her, took the bottle, and drank some. "I feel so much better now, thank you Winky!" She exclaimed. The house elf beamed, then hugged Hermione around the legs. Hermione gave her a pat on the head, then we left. "Mione, why don't we go back to our common room, and chill." I suggested. She nodded, so we went there. We watched Riverdale, since Season 3 was almost out, and we hadn't finished Season 2. (Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for Season 3 of Riverdale! I can't wait!) We finished Season 2, and were so excited for Season 3 to come out. After watching Season 2, Hermione fell asleep on me. I sighed. I kinda hated when she did that, but liked it at the same time. I decided to try to sleep. 

Oh my gosh, thank you guys for over 1400 reads! I can't believe that this got so many reads! I will try to update as much as I can, but school is pretty busy right now, so I hope you understand. Also, sorry this chapter is short! Please go check out my other stories- The Baby Project, and Shared Smiles! Please vote!

~Gryffinclawin1129 <3

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