Chapter 3: the Zabini Manor Tour

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Blaise's POV

"BLAISE ALESSANDRO ZABINI!!!!!! I NEED YOU TO TAKE ME ON A TOUR NOW!!!!!!!" A loud shout, no doubt from my twin sister, woke me up. "AHHH! Mia! You woke me up! But, okay! I will take you on a tour!" I yelled back. "Thank you! Do you know how long I've been trying to wake you up?" She yelled back. "Uh, no? But I'll be ready in ten minutes!" I called back. "NO! FIVE! Five minutes is all you get!" She yelled. "Fine!" I said, and groaned. Was this what life was going to be like from now on? I sighed, and got ready. Five minutes later, i wasn't ready yet. Hermione barged into my room. "BLAISE ALESSANDRO ZABINI WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO BLOODY LONG?" My sister yelled. Sometimes, she scares me. "Um, nothing!" I squeaked. She started laughing. "You should see your face! It's like you think I'm going to hurt you!" She laughed hysterically. "Very funny." I said angrily. She just laughed harder. I pouted at her. "Come on Blaise! Yesterday you were so eager to take me on a tour of our Manor, now you seem reluctant! Am I boring you already???" She said. "No, well, maybeeee........." I said back. I then dragged her out of the room. "BLAISE! LET GO!" She screamed. "Fine." I replied, and let go of her arm. She ran out of the room and left me in the dust. I ran out of the room and chased after her. "Okay, Mione, let's go on that tour!" "Finalmente!" Hermione exclaimed. I just rolled my eyes. "Let's start now. This my dear Mione, is my room. Across the way is your room. Next to your room is Bella's room. Down the hall is Mum's room. Across from Mum's room is a spare bathroom. Further down the hall is the library. You can check that out later. Across from the library is Mum's office. Then here's the staircase. Let's go upstairs. Okay, here is the entrance to our indoor pool, and hot tub. Here is our indoor tennis court, here's our movie theater, gameroom, and just a random room with toys. That's about it up here. Um, the next floor up is a bunch of empty rooms for now. Let's go to the first floor. So, um, here is the ballroom, we have a bunch of dances here. Here's the kitchen, our house elves are working there right now. And yes, we tried to let them go, but they didn't want to! Okay? Geez. (If you can tell, Hermione is speaking, but I decided not to write it, sorry! If you can't tell what she is 'saying' comment, or message me and I can tell you) Anyway, moving on. This is the dining room, we normally only eat lunch and dinner here, breakfast occasionally. Okay, let's go outside. So here is the broom shed, and over there is our Quidditch field. Then we have an outdoor pool, hot tub, bath house, and an outdoor tennis court. And a whole lot of grass and flowers. So yeah. Did you like your tour?" I said. Geez, that tour took about 2 hours. "Um, wow. I didn't know the Manor was so big!" Hermione said, amazed. 

Okay guys, this is probably the worst chapter so far, sorry! I was trying to do a tour of the Zabini Manor, and it just came out weird, I'm sorry! Please vote! And comment any suggestions, I could use them. OMG guys, we have about like 40 reads! Thank you! (Yes, hahaha I know that is not a lot, but for me it is! Thank you!!!!!) Also guys, I know Blaise doesn't actually have a middle name that I know of, but I like Alessandro, so I'm gonna leave it as that. What do you think of my story so far? 

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