Chapter 12

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Hermione's POV

When we got back to the Head Common Room, Draco and I crashed on the couch. I put my head on Draco's chest, and laid there for a while. Suddenly, I realized something. "Draco! Everyone forgot about the masquerade part of the ball!" I yelled. Draco jumped in surprise. "Oh. I guess we did...." He replied. "Can we have another ball?" He asked. "I don't know. We can ask Professor McGonagall, maybe for Christmas?" I said. "But for now, let's go to bed." Draco suggested. "Okay." I replied, snuggling into his chest. I woke up, hours later, to find the sun shining in my eyes. I looked up, and found someone staring at me. "AH!" I screamed. "AHHHH! WHAT?" Draco said. "Oh, sorry. I forgot I was sleeping on you." I replied, grinning. He rolled his eyes, and dumped me off his lap. I fell to the floor with a loud thump. "Hey!" I complained. Just then, I realized that we were still in our clothes from the ball yesterday. I ran to my room, and changed into my uniform. "Hey, Hermione? You know that we don't have classes today, right?" Draco said. "Oh." I said, and went back into my room, and changed into different clothes. "You ready? Let's go talk to McGonagall." I said. Draco nodded, and we went to her office. "Lemon drops." I said. The statues moved aside, and let us in. "Hello Ms. Zabini-Granger, and Mr. Malfoy. What brings you here?" McGonagall said. "We were wondering if we could have a Christmas ball?" Draco said. "That sounds lovely. You may plan it, but that's not for another two months. What do you think about having a ball every month?" McGonagall replied. "Well, that might be too much Professor. But maybe every other month?" I said. "That is an excellent idea, Ms. Zabini-Granger. You two may go if you have nothing else to talk to me about." McGonagall said, so we left. "So, Hermione, looks like we have got another ball to plan!" Draco said excitedly. "Yeah, hopefully it will be better this time." I replied. "What do you mean? Everyone was having a great time last night!" He exclaimed. "I know, but let's try to make it even better this time!" I said. "Okay...Good idea." He said, and dragged me off to breakfast. "HEY! DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY YOU BETTER STOP DRAGGING ME RIGHT NOW!!!!!!" I screamed. "Why should I do that?" He questioned, smirking at me. "Because you're hurting me. Now let go!" I replied. His eyes widened, and he immediately dropped my arm. "Hahaha, got you!" I yelled, as I raced to breakfast. He looked angry, and started running after me at top speed. "HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER, GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! I'M GOING TO GET YOU!!!!!!!!" He screamed. Of course, he caught up to me, and the people who had seen our "fight" (which happened to be the whole Great Hall...)  were staring at us, eyes wide. "Oh shoot...."" I whispered to Draco. He just nodded his head, and we quietly walked into the Great Hall, and sat down at the Gryffindor table. Everyone suddenly resumed eating, and the usual chatter of the morning was back to normal. "What happened there?" Harry asked. "Oh, erm, Malfoy over here was dragging me to breakfast, and I didn't like it, so I yelled at him. And then told him he was hurting me.... And well, yeah, that happened...." I replied. "Uh huh..." Harry said, looking suspicious, but then shrugged and went back to breakfast. I quickly glanced next to me at Draco. "That was close! You're in trouble with me now!" I whisper-yelled. He frowned at me. "Really? All I did was attempt to drag you to breakfast!" Draco whisper-yelled back. "So? It was still annoying and quite stupid of you." I replied. Puer est fatuus et molestus. (I'm sorry if my Latin is wrong, I suck at Latin, but wanted to put it in here. To those of you who don't know what it means, it means: The boy is stupid and annoying.) I thought to myself. I poked Draco. "Puer est fatuus et molestus." I told him. He just looked confused. "Wait, I thought you understood Latin? Guess I was wrong!" I told him. "Oh! That was Latin? Well, repeat it! I want to know what you said!" He replied. I repeated the Latin, and he looked angry a few seconds later. "Puella est scelesta!" He yelled. I laughed. "Yeah, I am a wicked girl? Well fine then! Puer est mortuus quod puella scelesta!" I retorted. Draco looked really offended. "Wait, so you're going to kill me?" He asked. "I don't know, am I? Ask yourself that! Do you really think that I, Hermione Granger, would kill a student on school property? I think not!" I replied, annoyed. "Oh." Was all Draco said to me after that. Then I got up from the table. "Well, I'd better go start my homework. You know where to find me." Then I marched off to the library.

Sooo, I finally updated. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was super busy with school and finals. I just finished my last final of this year, so I'm going to be updating more frequently since it's almost summer vacation! I will be gone for a couple weeks in the summer, but I will try to update as much as I can. Again guys, I'm sorry if my Latin is wrong, those of you who are better at Latin than me can message me the correct Latin. Hope you like my story so far! Vote and share this story please! Love all my readers! 


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