Chapter 16

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Ron's POV is for @alexspasov11 ily <3

Ron's POV

I watched Hermione and Malfoy walk out of the classroom. To be honest, I still wasn't happy with their relationship. I know it seemed like I was, but I really wasn't okay with it. I raised my hand. "Professor? Can I go to the Hospital Wing? My left foot is hurting." I said. Professor Flitwick looked at me weirdly. "Really, Mr. Weasley? Your left foot seems fine, you're standing on one foot, and that one foot is your left foot." Flitwick replied. Shoot. I had messed up big time. "Really, Professor? Because if I remember correctly, this is my left foot, and this is my right foot!" I yelled, pointing at my feet. "Well, Mr. Weasley, it seems that you do not remember correctly. So, please, sit down." Flitwick replied.

Harry's POV

I frowned. I watched Ron point at his left foot and say it was his right foot, and the other way around. How stupid is he? Apparently, he's way more stupid than I thought! "Ron! How stupid are you? Professor Flitwick is right, are you okay? I'm pretty sure you do need to go to the Hospital Wing!" I said. Ron looked at me confusedly. I sighed. "Professor? May I take Ron to the Hospital Wing? He doesn't seem like himself." I said. Professor Flitwick nodded, so I dragged Ron out of the classroom. "What the hell has gotten into you Ron?! You're acting like a idiotic maniac! What the hell?!?!?"I yelled. Ron looked scared, and burst into tears. I stared at him. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? Now what is going on? Why are you acting this way?" I said. He kept on crying, and started mumbling things I couldn't hear. "What are you saying?! Talk louder!" I exclaimed in frustration. "I- I- I- I don't know!" He said in a shaky voice. I sighed. I pulled him to the Hospital Wing, where I explained the situation to Madam Pomfrey. "Hmm. I'd say that maybe he was hit with the Confundus charm, but this may be the real Mr. Weasley.... I'll examine him." Madam Pomfrey said. I nodded, and let her take him away. I sighed. I wonder if someone had actually hit Ron with the Confundus charm..... If so, who? And why? I'd have to figure it out later. Just then, Madam Pomfrey came into the room. "Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley has in fact been hit with the Confundus charm, but I don't know who cast it. Maybe you could try asking him." She said. I went into the room. "Hey Ron! How are you feeling?" I said. "I'm feeling fine. Was I really acting stupid in Charms class?" He replied. I nodded. "Do you know who Confunded you?" I asked. Ron sighed. "I wish that it wasn't this person, but I'm pretty sure it was Draco Malfoy." Ron said. I gasped. "Draco?! He would never do that to you! I mean, we're all friends now!" I exclaimed. "I know, but I'm pretty sure that it was him." Ron replied. "I'll go question him." I said, and then exited the room.


Draco's POV

Hermione and I were having a great time watching the water and the other students studying and playing. Hermione sighed, and leaned into me. "Oh Draco, do you remember when we were first years?" She said. I nodded. "And we hated each other." I replied. She laughed. "Yes, but that's when you were a git!" She exclaimed. "Hey! You're hurting my ego!" I replied, pretending to be hurt. Suddenly, I noticed Harry storming over. "Uh, Mione, why is Harry so mad?" I asked. "What?" She said, turning around to see Harry. "Malfoy. Why did you Confund Ron?" Harry said. "What the heck? I did no such thing! Whatever are you talking about?" I replied, confused. "Don't play innocent with me, Malfoy! Ron is in the Hospital Wing, and he thinks that you are the one that Confunded him!" He said. "Woah, woah, woah. I've never Confunded someone in my life, and I don't see why I would." I said. Harry looked confused. "Then who did?" He asked. I shrugged. "Did he give you any details?" I asked. Harry shook his head. "Not yet, at least." He replied, and left. "I'm sorry about that interruption." I said. Hermione frowned. "You didn't Confund Ron, did you? I mean, I don't think that you did, but just to make sure..." She said. I sighed. "No, I most definitely did not Confund Ron. He's not my best friend, but I would never do that to him." I replied. "Good." She said, and kissed me on the cheek. As she left, I wondered to myself who had Confunded Ron. Just then, Harry came back. "Well, Ron said the person who Confunded him had platinum blonde hair and called him Weasel." Harry said. I frowned. "I mean, yeah I have platinum blonde hair, and used to call him Weasel, but not anymore..." I replied. Harry sighed. "And you're sure that it wasn't you?" He questioned. "Yes, I'm positive. I would know if I did such a thing!" I said. "Are you absolutely positive? Because you have platinum blonde hair, and used to call Ron Weasel! Are you sure?!??!" Harry pressed. "YES! I DIDN'T DO IT, OKAY?!???!" I yelled, finally losing my cool. Harry looked taken aback. "Okay, okay, I get it now." He said. "YOU'D DAMN BETTER HAVE THAT IN YOUR HEAD BY NOW!" I screamed, and stormed off to the Head dorms. As soon as I stepped inside, Hermione came rushing towards me. "Draco, what happened? Did Harry or Ron do something to you?" She asked. "Yes, that bloody prick Harry started yelling at me because of what happened to Ron!" I exclaimed. "Shhh, Draco it's okay." She said, her voice soothing me. I relaxed in her grip. She gently guided me to the couch, and I sat down. "What happened Draco? Tell me about it." She said. I sighed. "Fine. But only because it is you. Harry came back and told me what details Ron had given him. Apparently, the person had platinum blonde hair, and called him Weasel. I know I have platinum blonde hair, and I used to call him Weasel, but it wasn't me. He didn't believe me, and asked if I was sure that it wasn't me, which I replied that I was positive I hadn't done it. But he still didn't believe me. So he said 'Are you absolutely positive? Because you have platinum blonde hair, and used to call Ron Weasel! Are you sure?!??!' and I lost my cool. I yelled at him that I didn't do it, and he finally got it. He said, 'Okay, okay, I get it now.' but clearly was still suspicious. So I yelled at him that he'd damn better have that in his head by now. Then I stormed off to you." I replied. "Oh Draco." She said, sighing. She rubbed my arm. "Harry was just trying to figure out what happened to Ron, but he shouldn't have talked to you like that." She said. "Oh, so of course you're going to side with him! I can't believe you, Hermione! I thought that you would believe me more than Potter and Weasley! I can't believe that I ever thought that you believed in me, and I can't believe that I ever thought I loved you! Go run back to Potter and Wealsey and forget about me!" I yelled, madder than I ever had been before. "Draco, I-" She tried to say, but I cut her off. "Just go see Ron." I said, my voice dangerously calm. Hermione burst into tears, and ran out of our common room. As soon as she left, I felt guilty. "No Draco, what you did was right. She probably loves Weasley more than she loves you. Just let her go." I told myself. "But, but, I love her!" I told myself. "No. Let her go." I said to myself. 

Ooh, a cliffhanger! And a fight between Draco and Hermione! I'm so excited to write the next chaper! There is going to be so much drama now!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment ideas for me! Also, please check out my stories, The Baby Project and The Truth. <3

~Gryffinclawin1129 <3

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