Chapter 17

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Hermione's POV

I ran to the Gryffindor common room, tears running freely down my face. "LET ME IN!" I screamed at the Fat Lady, who refused to let me in because I didn't have the password. Finally, the portrait opened, and Ginny stepped out. "Oh my gosh, Hermione, what happened?!?!" She exclaimed, grabbing my arm and guiding me to her room. "What happened." She said. I sighed, my shoulders shaking, and the tears still falling. "Draco, he, he, he kind of broke up with me!" I wailed. Ginny gasped. "That git! He'd better watch himself, I'm coming to get him!" Ginny yelled. "No- Ginny, don't!" I said, but I was too late, and she had already exited the room. 

Ginny's POV 

I stormed down the hall to the Head common room. When I got to the portrait of Salazar Slytherin, I demanded that he let me in. "You'd better let me in. I have to go beat up the Head Boy for breaking his girlfriends heart! If you don't let me in, I'll replace your portrait with Godric Gryffindor's!" I said. Salazar laughed. "I like this girl. I'll let you in so you can beat up Mr. Malfoy. Have a good time!" Salazar replied, letting me in. I flashed a grin at him, and stormed inside. "DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY YOU'D BETTER GET YOUR ARSE OUT HERE OR I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BREAK YOUR DOOR DOWN!!!!!" I screamed at his closed door. "Geez, what the hell?" He said, walking out of his room. I glared at him. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, Malfoy." I said. "Oh, back to last names, are we Weasley? And of course I don't know what you're talking about, I don't know what you talk about half of the time!" He responded. I rolled my eyes at him. "Well, Malfoy, you broke Hermione's heart. Now you have to pay." I replied, dangerously calm. Malfoy matched the tone of my voice. "Well, she deserved it. Now tell her to get back over here so I can talk to her." He replied. I glared at him even more, if that was possible. "That's impossible. She wouldn't want to talk to a ferret anyway. Besides, you said she deserved it. She did nothing wrong! It was all you and your stupid temper! Now, you will pay. Good day Malfoy." I said dangerously. While he wasn't looking, Pansy, Astoria and Blaise snuck in and joined me. On my silent count of three, we all attacked him with different spells. For me, the Bat Bogey Hex, obviously. For Pansy, Petrificus Totalus, or the Full Body Bind. And for Astoria, Titillando, or the Tickling Hex. So, in short, Malfoy made some weird noises, and fell over, being tickled and weakened, and bats flew out of his nose. We also had Blaise videotape the entire thing, to show Hermione, and maybe even the whole school, to humiliate him further. Then, after smiling sweetly at the frozen Malfoy, we high-fived, and sauntered out of the room. After exiting, we told Salazar Slytherin what we had done to him. He laughed with us, commented how Slytherin we were, and promised not to tell Malfoy that he had allowed us in. "Oh. My. Gosh. That was awesome!!!" Pansy exclaimed. "You truly are a genius, Ginny!" Astoria said. "I have to admit, it was pretty great." Blaise commented. He handed me the camera. I watched as the video replayed what happened in the Head Common Room, just as amazing as it had been in person. I grinned. "Thanks Blaise! Now we go show Hermione!" I exclaimed. Happily, they all followed me, where I let them into the Gryffindor common room. "Hermione! I have something to show you! And visitors!" I yelled. Hermione slowly came down the stairs. "Oh, hi Pansy, Astoria, Blaise." She said glumly. They all greeted her brightly. "Well, Hermione, watch this!" I said, shoving the camera at her. As she watched the video, her eyes widened. Soon she was laughing at the state of Malfoy after we had attacked him. "Oh my gosh, you guys actually did that? I can't believe you guys! Well, he did deserve it, after all that he's done to me." Hermione replied. We all smiled and gave her a group hug. "So... Uh, how is he?" Hermione questioned tentatively. I stared at her. "Uh, what?" I replied. She sighed. "I mean, Draco, how is he?" She replied. "Oh. Well, he's alive. He might have hurt his ego, but he should be fine." I said. "Oh. Also, how is he without me?" She said. I frowned. "Well, he said that you deserved what he had done to you." I replied, kind of scared to see what she would do. She sighed. "That foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach! That ferret! I have to go yell at him!" She exclaimed, and ran out of the portrait hole. "Ok then..." I said to the rest of the group. We followed her, just to see what she would do. 

Hermione's POV

I ran from the Gryffindor common room, and straight into the Head common room. I saw Draco lying on the floor, being tickled while paralyzed, with bats coming out of his nose. I undid the spells, just so I could yell at him. But first.... I decided to do some acting. "Oh, Draco! I forgive what you did earlier today. Are you alright? I heard that people attacked you!" I exclaimed, pretending to be concerned. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Also, I'm sorry. For everything." He replied. "Oh, good!" I said, hugging him. "Let's sit on the couch!" I suggested, dragging him to the couch. "Ok." He replied, letting me drag him onto the couch. I cuddled up with him, but then turned on him when he least expected it. "DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY, HOW DARE YOU! YOU FOUL, LOATHSOME, EVIL, LITTLE COCKROACH!!! YOU FERRET!!!! HOW DARE YOU BREAK MY HEART AND BE SORRY SO QUICKLY! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!" I screamed at him. He jumped back, surprised by my outburst. "What the heck Mione?" He said. I glared at him. "Don't 'Mione' me, Draco! You know what I'm talking about, and I want a true apology!" I said. "Ok. I'm sorry. Truly sorry. About everything. About yelling at you when you wanted to visit Ron in the hospital wing, sorry for not apologizing sooner. I'm so sorry Hermione." He said sincerely. I nodded. "I forgive you now Draco." I replied. I hugged him, this time for real. 

Yay! The problems in Dramione have cleared up! What's going to happen next? More broken hearts? More love? What's going to happen? Thank you for over 1250 reads! Please vote! Thank you!


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