Chapter 11: The Masquerade Ball

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No One's POV

"Hey, Hermione, can I ask you something?" Draco said. "Yes, although you did just ask me something.." Hermione replied, grinning. Draco rolled his eyes. "Willyougototheballwithme?" He said. "I'm sorry, what?" She said. "Will. You. Go. To. The. Ball. With. Me?" Draco repeated, slower this time. "Oh! Yes!" Hermione said, and hugged him. Draco grinned. "Great! I'll pick you up outside of the Head Common Room at 5:30." He said, and ran off. "GINNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hermione screamed, as she entered the Gryffindor Common Room. "Uh, yes?" Ginny said. "Oh. There you are! I've got to tell you something!" Hermione said. "Ok. What?" Ginny replied. "I'mgoingtotheballwithDraco!" Hermione said, in a rush. "What? Slower please." Ginny said. "Oh. Sorry. I'm going to the ball with Draco!" Hermione repeated. Ginny screamed, and hugged Hermione. "Right. I meant to tell you that I'm going with Blaise." Ginny said. Hermione screamed, and hugged Ginny. "Wait. Gin. WE NEVER BOUGHT OUR DRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hermione yelled. "OH MY GOSH, WE DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ginny yelled back. The two girls rushed out of the common room, and bumped into Pansy. "Oh, sorry Pansy!" They chorused. "It's okay. Where are you guys headed in such a rush?" Pansy replied. "We both completely forgot to buy dresses for the dance!" Hermione said. "Oh my gosh! That reminds me! I haven't gotten mine either!" Pansy said. "Really? Well, do you want to come with us?" Ginny said. "Sure! But are you sure about that? I mean, after all these years I've been rude to you?" Pansy replied. "It doesn't matter. I'm sure you've changed!" Hermione said positively. "Thanks guys, you're the best!" Pansy said, grinning. The three girls went off to buy their dresses.

*Pansy's POV*

I can't believe Granger and Weaselette are being so nice to me. Oh wait, sorry, it's Hermione and Ginny. Sorry, old habits, ugh. Ginny, Hermione and I went to Diagon Alley, with permission from Professor McGonagall. Once we got there, we looked around. Surprisingly, no shops were closed. We decided on going to Twilfitt and Tatting's first. When we entered, we saw it was filled with gorgeous dresses. I headed towards the lilac dresses, Ginny went to the blue dresses, and Hermione went to the green dresses. We each grabbed three dresses, and went to try them on. First, Ginny went. She came out in her first dress. "What do you think?" She asked. "No. It's too tight, and the style doesn't suit you." I said. "Yeah." Hermione agreed. Ginny nodded, and went back in. She came out in her second dress a few minutes later. When she stepped out, I gasped. "YES! That's perfect Ginny!" I yelled. "I think so too!" She and Hermione exclaimed at the same time. Ginny spun around, and went to change, so Hermione and I could find our dresses. Next, Hermione went. She stepped out in her first dress, and it was perfect. Finally, it was my turn. It wasn't until I had tried on my third, and last dress, that I found my dress. Interestingly, all of our dresses were the same style, and looked similar, but in different colors.

*Pictures of the dresses*

*Pictures of the dresses*

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Ginny's Dress (blue)

Ginny's Dress (blue)

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