Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

After Hermione left, I decided to do some digging. "So, Draco, what happened after the dance???" I asked. He blushed. (Yeah, I know! Draco Malfoy BLUSHING!?!?) "Well, uh, not much." He replied. I wasn't satisfied with his answer. "Really...... I'm sure that's not true." I told him. He frowned at me, but took a deep breath and started talking. "Well, uh, after the dance, we both went to our common room, and we collapsed onto the couch, and well, started talking, but soon fell asleep on each other." He said. "Oh, wow! That's a lot, I mean, going from enemies, to this!" I exclaimed. "Uh, yeah, I guess it is." He replied blankly. "Uh, Draco, what's wrong? You seem very distant..." I said. "Hmm, what? Sorry. I was just thinking about what to get Hermione as a late birthday present." He said. "Oh! I know! She keeps telling us that she really wants a new copy of Hogwarts: A History. And maybe a copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. That's what she told me at least." I replied. "Ok, great, thanks Harry!" He said, and left our table to go somewhere, no one knew where he was going though.

Draco's POV

After I left the Gryffindor table after breakfast, I headed to Professor McGonagall's office. I stood in front of the statues, wondering what the password was. "Uh, lemon drop? No? Ok, how about chocolate frog? No? Umm, cockroach cluster? Peppermint toad? Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans?" I said, trying my best to name every sweet I could think of. "Mr. Malfoy? What are you doing here?" A stern voice said from behind me. I turned around, and standing there was Professor McGonagall. "Oh, hi Professor! I was looking for you. I was wondering if I could go to Diagon Alley now, during my free period, to pick out a late birthday present for Hermione?" I said. "Hmm... Fine. You may go Mr. Malfoy. Be back at noon." She responded. "Thank you so much Professor! Oh, and if Hermione asks you where I am, can you tell her that I went to visit my mother or something? Thanks!" I said, and rushed out the door. After getting off Hogwarts property, and Apparating to Diagon Alley, I went to Flourish and Blotts. "Hello sir! Can I assist you today?" A man said as I walked into the shop. "Actually, yes, you can. Can you show me where the copies of Hogwarts: A History and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them are?" I replied. "Sure! Right this way." The man said, and led me to a bookshelf. After thanking him for his help, I looked at the bookshelf, and saw about 20 different editions of each book. I decided on the newest ones, so hopefully Hermione hadn't read them before. After I paid for the books, I decided to go to the jewelry shop. "Hello sir. Would you like any help picking out any jewelry?" The sales-witch asked. "No thanks, not at the moment." I replied, and turned to the glass displays. I browsed for a while, keeping an eye on the time. Finally I found something that I thought Hermione would love. It was a silver ring with a heart, half emerald and half ruby. It was perfect. And it represented our Gryffindor and Slytherin houses.

Hi guys!!! Sorry I haven't updated in so long

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Hi guys!!! Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I was on vacation and then at camp. I'm sorry that this is kinda short, but I wanted to publish something. I promise I'll write more later!!! Thank you all for over 800 reads!!!!! Love all my readers!! <3 Please vote and comment!!

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