Chapter 7: The Head Dormitory

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Hermione's POV

"Ms. Zabini-Granger and Mr. Malfoy, please stay." McGonagall said. After everyone left, Draco and I were the only other people there. "Ah, there you two are. Now, your dormitory is in the Room of Requirement. The password is serenity." McGonagall told us. "But Professor, wasn't the Room of Requirement destroyed in the war?" Draco and I ask at the same time. "Ah, yes it was. This is a different one. Same place as last time, no one can enter without your permission. Good night students." McGonagall said. Draco and I leave. When we get to the ROR, (Room of Requirement) we see a portrait of Salazar Slytherin. "Serenity." I said. "Yes, and serenity it shall be." Salazar said, letting us in. It was huge. Draco was standing with his jaw dropped open. "Close your mouth Draco, you'll attract flies!" I said. He closed his mouth and scowled at me. I just laughed. "Let's check out our rooms!" I said, running to a room. I opened it, just as Draco opened the other. It was Slytherin green and silver. "I guess this is yours!" Draco said. "Yeah. This is yours." I said. We swapped rooms. Mine was gorgeous, but not as pretty as my room at the Zabini Manor. I heard Draco walk out of his room, so I went out of mine too. "Hey Draco, how's your room?" I asked. "Great, yours?" He replied. "Wonderful, but not as great as my room in Zabini Manor." I said. He started laughing, and looked up at me. "Woah, Hermione, you took off your Glamour Charm?!" He asked. "Yes, just for you." I said. He frowned. "No, just kidding, I'm going to announce who I am tomorrow." I said, laughing. "Oh! That makes more sense." He said, still looking kind of confused. "Goodnight, Draco." I said. "Goodnight Hermione." He said. I went back to my room, and fell asleep instantly.

*Hermione's Dream*

"AURORA HERMIONE ZABINI, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!" I opened my eyes to find Ginny staring at me angrily. "Finally! Hurry up! You have to get ready for your date, it's almost noon!" Ginny said. I groggily got up. "Wait, what time is it?" I asked. "Almost five! And I picked out your outfit, go put it on!" Ginny yelled. In a panic, I got on my clothes. "Sit! I'm going to do your hair and makeup!" Ginny said. I sat. Well, more like she pushed me down... She did my makeup and hair beautifully. I looked gorgeous. "You look like a queen, go own the place! Oh wait, you have to Floo there. Say 'Clos Maggiore' (*yes, it's a real place, I've never been there though*) and you'll be at their wizard entrance. Have a good time!" Ginny said, then left. I went over to the fireplace, threw Floo powder in, stepped in, and said, 'Clos Maggiore!' and I was off. I arrived at a fancy looking place. Someone grabbed my waist. I screamed. "Geez, calm down Mione, it's only me!" A familiar voice said. I turned around to find Draco Malfoy looking at me. (*Yup! She's dreaming about Draco!*) "Oh, hey Draco!" I said. He led me to a table. Wait, am I on a DATE with DRACO MALFOY?!?!??!?! Oh well. After we ordered, and ate, after a lot of talking, Draco stopped talking. He got down on one knee, and said: "Aurora Hermione Zabini, or Hermione Jean Granger, I've known you since our first year at Hogwarts, and I know I was a huge git then. But I changed after the war, you know that. When we were Head Boy and Girl, it was wonderful. And then we had our relationship. And now, we've been dating for a while, so Aurora Hermione Jean Zabini-Granger, will you become a Malfoy, and marry me?" He said, and pulled out a box. Inside was a gorgeous ring, with red and green stones-like Gryffindor and Slytherin. "YES!" I screamed. He put the ring on my finger, and we kissed.

Here's a picture of the ring

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Here's a picture of the ring


I woke up, confused about my dream. Oh well. It was probably nothing. Suddenly, there was knocking on my door. "Hermione? Are you awake? It's almost time for breakfast!" Draco said. "I'm up!" I yelled, as I hurriedly got ready. Today was the day that I'd reveal my true identity. Professor McGonagall already knew, thankfully. I opened my door. "Right, I forgot that you were revealing your true identity." Draco said. "Don't remind me." I said, frowning at him.

At Breakfast

"Attention, students. I have some very important news." McGonagall said, and beckoned me over. I grabbed Draco and Blaise, and dragged them on stage with me. "WHO ARE YOU, YOU'RE BLOODY GORGEOUS!" Someone yelled. "Hello everyone, you've known me as Hermione Granger. This summer, I found out that I was adopted. My true name is Aurora Hermione Zabini. Please, just call me Hermione. Blaise is my twin brother." I said. "YOU'RE LYING!" Ron shouted. "No, she's not." Draco said. "SHUT UP YOU FERRET!" Ron yelled back. "Ronald, I'm not lying, and don't tell Draco to shut up." I said. "SINCE WHEN DID YOU CALL THAT FERRET BY HIS FIRST NAME?!?!?!?!" Ronald screamed. "Since he became Head Boy, and since he has been nice to me, unlike you!" I retorted. "Calm down students. It is time to go to class." Professor McGonagall said. Everyone reluctantly went to their first class. "Hey, are you actually Hermione?" A voice asked. I turned around to find Harry staring at me. "Yes Harry, I am Hermione." I replied. "Wow. That's so cool!" Harry exclaimed. "Also, I'm sorry that Ron's a git." He said. "Yeah, I am too." I said distantly. I was still thinking about my dream.....

How was it? Sorry I've been pretty busy lately. And wow! Guys, we hit over 150 reads! Thank you so much! :) Please vote and comment! Love all my readers! ~Gryffinclawin1129 <3 <3

Wait, I'm not a Granger, I'm a Zabini?!?!?!?!?Where stories live. Discover now