Chapter 10: Planning the Ball

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Hermione's POV

When I woke up, I felt very refreshed. I remembered that last night I had tickled Draco, so much that he had to beg me to stop. I have to admit, it was really fun...... Well, I'd better wake up Draco, we have to plan the ball, and if I don't wake him up now, he'll never wake up. I went by his room, only to find the door wide open. I peered inside. He was not in his bed. Looks like he woke up by himself. "Hey, Draco, where are you?" I asked. "I'm in the kitchen!" I heard. I went to the kitchen, and found Draco, lying on the floor, with blood all over his leg. "DRACO MALFOY! What happened???" I asked. "I, uh, slipped on water, and dropped a glass on my leg, and my wand is in my room....." He said sheepishly. "Oh Draco..... What are we going to do with you?" I asked. "Um, nothing?" He said, grinning sheepishly. I sighed, waved my wand, said Reparo and Episkey, and we were on our way with our morning. "Hey, Hermione, we should plan that ball..." He said. "I know, I've been trying to do that for the past hour!" I replied, frustrated. "Well......... We should come up with a theme. How about a costume party?" He said. "No, too many skimpy costumes!" I replied, annoyed. "Oh righttt. What about a masquerade?" He suggested. "Actually Draco, that's perfect!" I exclaimed. "Really?!?!" He asked excitedly. He was acting like a little kid, it was actually really funny. "Do you think we should announce it tomorrow?" I asked. "I guess so. It would give people time to find a date." He replied. "Good idea Draco." I said. "I'm going to tell Ginny." I said, at the same time Draco said: "I'm going to tell Blaise." We both burst out laughing. Then we both ran off to our respective common rooms. I went into the Gryffindor common room. "Ginny? Where are you? I need to talk to you!" I called. "What do ya want Hermione?" She replied. "I glanced up, and saw her at the top of the girl's dormitory staircase. "Oh hey Gin. Okay, so, there is going to be a Halloween ball, and it's going to be a masquerade. And you have to bring a date! Also, we will announce it tomorrow, act like you don't know." I told her. Ginny started squealing. "Omg Hermione, really?!?!?" She yelled. "Yes! Now calm down Gin, we don't want people to know!" I told her. "Right. Okay goodbye!" She said, hugging me. Then she turned and ran back up the stairs.

Draco's POV

I burst into the Slytherin common room, and Blaise looked up from the couch in surprise. Luckily, he was alone. "Hey Zabini. I have to talk to you." I said. "Okay, shoot." He said. "There is going to be a Halloween masquerade ball, and you need a date. We will announce it tomorrow, DON'T TELL ANYONE." I told him. "Okay Draco, I won't, geez." He replied. Then I left without saying goodnight. When I walked into the common room, I saw Hermione asleep on the couch. I sighed, picked her up, and brought her to her bed. "Goodnight Mione." I whispered in her ear before going to my own room. I swear I saw her smile in her sleep before I left. Whatever. I went to bed, and ended up having another strange dream.....

Draco's Dream:

"Oi, mate! There you are! We've all been looking for you! You can't be late for you big day!" A voice said. I turned around to see Blaise. "Oh, hey Blaise. Oh sorry, let's go." I replied. He dragged me to somewhere. I looked down at myself. I was wearing a suit, nothing really abnormal. I stood where I was, but soon realized I was at a wedding. Wait... Blaise said MY big day. Am I getting married????!?!?! I looked over at Blaise, and he nodded at me, so I took my place at the altar. I saw a pretty girl walking down the isle. Her face seemed familiar, but I couldn't place who she was. When she got to the altar, I saw that she was Hermione Granger. Wait. Am I marrying Hermione Jean Granger??? I thought we were just friends..... After the vows were said, we were officially married. Then as suddenly as it had come, my dream ended.

*End of Draco's Dream*

Weird dream.... I guess it fit with my other weird dream I had before about Hermione. I better not stress my self out anymore about these dreams....

Hi guys! Sorry this chapter is kind of short! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 400 READS! I'm so happy!!!!! <3 If you like this story, please share it! Also, vote and comment!

Love you all,

~Gryffinclawin1129 <3

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