Chapter 22

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Luna's POV (This is a new one, so hopefully it should be interesting!) 

My mind wandered as I walked with Hermione, Ginny, Pansy and Astoria. We were all going Christmas shopping. We passed a sprig of mistletoe, and I couldn't help asking, "I wonder, do you think any Nargles are living there?" I said. Hermione, Ginny, Pansy and Astoria all looked up from the conversation in surprise. "Um, I'm not sure Luna. Why?" Hermione replied. With a dreamy smile on my face, I replied, "No reason." The girls shrugged and went back to talking. We passed a book store, where I saw the newest version of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. "Hermione look! They have the newest version of Fantastic Beasts!" I exclaimed.  "Really?!" She replied, interest evident in her voice. I nodded, hoping with all my heart that Neville would get me the book. "Well, maybe you guys will get it for Christmas! Anyway, we have to go now!" Ginny said. We all headed back to the castle, laden down with shopping bags. 

We entered our respective common rooms, and dropped our bags off in our dorms. After doing this, we met up with the boys by the Great Hall. It was dinner time, and Ron was very hungry. "Pansy, come on! Do we have to wait for the others?" I could hear Ron whining from down the corridor. Soon after, I heard someone hit him, I'm sure it was Pansy slapping him. "Hey Luna!" I heard, and turned around to find Neville. "Hi Neville! Are you alright? You have some Nargles around you!" I exclaimed. He laughed. "Luna, I'm fine. Just hungry, so come on! I'm sure the others are waiting for us anyway!" Neville replied. Holding hands, we walked to the Great Hall for dinner. "Finally! We've been waiting forever!" Ron exclaimed when we arrived, causing Hermione and Pansy to roll their eyes. We entered the Great Hall all together, causing the entire school to stare at us. I sat down at the Ravenclaw table, where Neville joined me, because House Unity was now encouraged. There were even Slytherin's at the Gryffindor table. I mean, obviously Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Astoria were there, but there were some others too. 

After dinner, Neville walked me back to the Ravenclaw common room, where we said our goodnight's, and went to bed. As I entered, I heard Padma Patil screaming. "Padma? Are you okay? Was it a Nargle?" I said when I found her. "N-n-no, it's a SNAKE!!!" Padma screamed. Confused, I looked down to see a small garden snake that had somehow made its' way inside our dorm. I frowned. "Can you get Draco? He might be able to do something with it." I suggested, and Padma gave me a weird look, but left anyway. I didn't actually need Draco, I knew what to do. Garden snakes always used to come into my house when I was little, but stopped coming ever since my mother died. I carefully picked up the snake, and carried it out the door, where I was met with Padma and Draco. "Oh, Draco, can you take this little snake back outside?" I asked, and put the snake into his hands. He nodded and left. "Thanks Luna. You're really brave." Padma said, so I smiled in return. 

Hermione's POV

Draco had gone to take care of a snake that had somehow gotten into Padma's dorm, so I was alone. Twenty minutes later, he still wasn't back, so I went to go find him. And I found him all right. I found him snogging someone. Not just any someone, but Padma Patil, the girl he had just helped. Padma was my friend, but now she wasn't. Now I hated her guts. I ran back to my common room, the tears threatening to spill. I ran into my room, and slammed the door. 

When Draco got back, I opened my door. "Sit. We have to talk. Now." I demanded. He gulped upon seeing my deadly glare and hearing my angry voice. "Okay, what is it Mione?" He asked. I glared even harder. "Don't 'Mione' me! I saw you snogging Padma Patil!" I screamed. "Hermione, I didn't want to! She forced herself onto me!" He exclaimed. "Yeah right. Like I'm going to believe that. That's what every cheater says when they get caught. 'Oh, I didn't want to! I was forced!' But guess what? I saw you kiss back! And I don't care what else you have to say for yourself, so you can save your breath. We're over Draco. For good." I said angrily, and stormed off to my room, slamming and locking the door. 

Outside, I could hear Draco cursing under his breath. He knocked on my door a few minutes later. "Hermione? Look, I'm sorry. It wasn't right of me to do that, but since you won't talk to me, I'm going to talk to Blaise. Goodnight." I rolled my eyes at him, hoping he could see my eye roll through the door, but of course he couldn't. I wasn't going to forgive him, no matter how sorry he was. He cheated on me, and that was a huge crime to me. 

Hi guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while! Since it's the last couple weeks before Winter Break, I'm super busy! But, I get out this Friday! (12/14/18) I was going to publish this on Friday, but I found some time to write today, so here you go! Also, thank you guys so much for 3K reads! ily all so much! <3

~Gryffinclawin1129 <3

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