Chapter 15

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Draco's POV

Hermione and I had just finished watching season 1 of Riverdale. I have to admit, it was pretty good. "Hey, Mione?" I said. "Yes Draco?" She replied. "I'm thinking that we should watch season 2 now!" I suggested. She laughed. "Draco, it's almost 1 am! We should really be getting to bed! Plus, we still have school tomorrow!" She exclaimed. I pouted at her. "Pleeeeeeease? Pretty pwease Mione, with sugar and sprinkles on top?" I begged. At first, she just laughed at me. Then she finally said something. "Fine. But only one episode!" She said. I jumped at her and hugged her tightly. "Down boy!" She said laughingly. After we watched the one episode, we did actually go to bed. Not in our rooms, but on the couch, snuggling. I woke up to sunlight shining through the window, straight into my eyes. "Ow!" I yelped, causing Hermione to wake up. "What?!" She yelled. "Sorry Mione! The sunlight was in my eyes!" I replied. She glared at me, and went to change into her robes. I sighed, and went to my own room to change. We both came out at the same time, and walked to the Great Hall for breakfast together. I noticed that Hermione was wearing the ring I had gotten her. I smiled. "Nice ring! Where ever did you get that?" I said. She laughed. "One of my friends got it for me. He's a Slytherin, you know." She replied. "A Slytherin? Surprising, for the Gryffindor Princess! And a boy got that for you? Lucky him! Is he your boyfriend?" I said. We both broke out into a fit of laughter, right as we approached the Great Hall. All eyes turned to us. We quickly went to our tables, silently laughing. "What was so funny?" Blaise asked. "Nothing." I replied. "Yeah right..." Blaise said. I rolled my eyes. "I'll tell you later." I said. He nodded, and turned back to his breakfast. Across the hall, I could see Harry and Ron asking Hermione the same thing. I saw the smile on her face as she just shook her head at them. Then I saw the boys sigh and turn away in defeat. I smiled. Blaise slapped me. "You're in love with her, huh?" He asked. "I guess. I'm not really sure yet..." I replied. Blaise sighed. "I can tell you are by the way you look at her. Now, let's get to class!" He said. We walked to Charms class together. I knew Hermione would be there, but Harry and Ron would want to walk with her. When we got to Charms class, Professor Flitwick told us to find a desk with a banner on it. "The lesson for today is the Colour Change Charm. Remember, the charm is 'Colovaria.' Now, get working!" Professor Flitwick said. I sat down at a desk near Hermione. "Colovaria!" I said, pointing my wand at the red banner. The banner turned a dark green color, and at the same time, Hermione's green banner turned red. "Brilliant! Ms. Zabini-Granger and Mr. Malfoy have done it! 15 points to Gryffindor and Slytherin!" Flitwick announced. Hermione and I smiled at each other. Flitwick had given us the rest of the class as a free period, since we had finished so quickly. "Hey, Mione, let's go the the Black Lake!" I suggested. "That's a good idea Draco!" She replied, so we walked hand in hand to the Black Lake. 

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while! School has started again, and I'm probably going to be super busy! I'll try to update when I can, but it won't be too often, sorry! Sorry for the short chapter! Also, I've decided to start a new story, called The Baby Project. Please read it when the chapters come out! By the way, it's a Harry Potter inspired story, with Dramione, Hinny, Nuna, and Ransy. Make sure to check it out! And thank you guys SO SO MUCH for 1.1K reads! I'm so thankful for all of you guys! Love you all!

~Gryffinclawin1129 <3

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