Chapter 24

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Hermione's POV

It was two days after Draco had cheated on me, and two days since I had ended things with him. I had done all of my crying yesterday, thank god for Ginny. It was lunchtime, and I was starving. I guess that's what happens when you don't eat real food for two days, only chocolate frogs. I headed down to the Great Hall, and slid into the seat next to Ginny. 

"Hey Hermione!" Ginny said brightly. "Hey Gin." I replied. We started eating, with the normal chatter around us. Harry and Neville were cracking jokes, and everyone was dying of laughter. Suddenly, the whole hall went quiet. Draco and Padma walked in, holding hands, and whispering things to each other. As they passed by the Gryffindor table, they said some mean things. "Hey, look, I've found my true love! I don't know why I ever liked a Mudblood like you!" "Hey, back off, he's mine now, and anyway, he doesn't want your filth on him!" Tears sprung to my eyes, and I stood up. Before anyone could stop me, I slapped both of them across the face, hard. Then, with tears running down my face, I ran out of the Great Hall, and locked myself in the girls bathroom. 

"Hermione? Are you okay?" Ginny's voice floated through the bathroom. I sniffed. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I could practically hear Ginny roll her eyes. "No, you're clearly not. If you were fine, you would still be sitting at the Gryffindor table, eating lunch. Not crying in the bathroom after running away!" She exclaimed. She found the stall I was in, and pried open the door. "Gin, look. As much as I appreciate this, I want to be alone right now." I replied. "Nope. No way. Last time that happened, some douchebag cheated on you. I'm staying here, whether you like it or not!" She said, and grinned at me, causing me to roll my eyes. "Fine, whatever. But we are not staying here!" I responded, which caused her to grin even more, and we ran to Professor McGonagall's office. 

When we got there, the door was closed, and we could hear McGonagall talking to someone. "Please Professor, can I take Padma out to Hogsmeade?" "No. Mr. Malfoy, you do not get that privilege. I don't care if you're Head Boy, my answer is no! Now go to your own dorm, and stay there!" McGonagall exclaimed. The door flung open, and Draco stormed out, and pushed past us. "Get out of my way, you Mudblood!" He yelled as he passed me. I didn't do anything about what he said, but Ginny stuck her middle finger up at him. We burst inside the office. "Professor? Can Hermione and I go to Hogsmeade? She's feeling awful because of that twitchy little ferret!" Ginny said, and Professor McGonagall gave me a sympathetic look. "Of course dears. Have fun." She replied, so we said thanks, and left. 

Ginny and I had a blast in Hogsmeade, and even with my protesting, she bought me a 'feel better' gift. Even though I had protested, I loved it. "Thanks for everything, Gin! I feel loads better now." I said, and Ginny beamed. "I'm glad!" She exclaimed, and we went back to Hogwarts.  

When we returned, Professor McGonagall was waiting for us. "Girls, we have found out why Draco was acting so strangely. Please, come with me to my office so we can reverse the spell." She announced. Ginny and I gaped at her, but followed. When we entered the office, I saw Draco tied in a chair, and Padma being held, with a wand pointed at her. "Just to fill you guys in, Draco is under a love spell that Padma put on him, and we are going to remove it, and press charges against Padma." Blaise said. McGonagall pointed her wand at Draco, and muttered something, which must be the counter-curse. Draco blinked, and shook his head. "Wha? What happened?" He asked. "Mr. Malfoy, you were under a love spell, put on you by Ms. Patil. I hope you're feeling better." Professor McGonagall said. 

Later, Draco was released from the Hospital Wing, and Padma was expelled from Hogwarts. "Mione? I'm so sorry about that. I had no idea I was under a love spell." Draco said. I smiled. "It's fine Draco, none of us knew. I'm glad you are back to being yourself." I replied, earning a grin from Draco. We held hands, and walked slowly back to our dorms. 

Hi guys! I finally finished this chapter! Sorry it's a little short! Also, I'm on winter break now, so I will write more! Can't wait to finish this story, I think I'm going to have at most four more chapters! Also, thanks for 3.6K reads! <3 ily all!

~Gryffinclawin1129 <3

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