Chapter 9: What Happens Next...

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Draco's POV

I lay awake at night wondering about what is going to happen with the Golden Trio, now that Hermione and that Weasel had a fight.....And Harry doesn't seem to be on Weasel's side anymore either..... Oh well, too bad for him. Let's just see what happens at breakfast....... I finally managed to drift off to sleep, around 1:30am. Let's just say I drifted into Dreamland......

*Draco's Dream*

"Master? You should get ready for your date, sir!" I heard. I looked at the ground in front of me, to see a house elf staring at me. "Uhhh, what?" I asked, confused. "Master has a date tonight, a very important one! Don't forget this sir!" The house elf squeaked, handing me a ring box. I took it, looking very confused. Why would I need a ring box? I opened the ring box, curiously. Inside was a pretty green and red engagement ring. Wait......was I going to propose to someone? "Uh, thanks." I said, and left to get ready. "Oh, Master! You're clothes are on your bed!" The house elf said as I left. "Thanks." I replied. I went to my bedroom to change. There was a note on my suit. It read: Use Floo powder. Say 'Clos Maggiore.' Okay then..... I guess I was going. I grabbed Floo powder, stepped into the fireplace, and yelled "Clos Maggiore.' I arrived at a fancy restaurant. I saw a familiar girl. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around the girl. She screamed. "Geez, calm down Mione, it's only me!" I said. "Oh, hey Draco!" She said. I led her to a table. Wait.... am I on a DATE with HERMIONE GRANGER??!?!! After we ate, I stopped talking. I got down on one knee and said: Aurora Hermione Zabini, or Hermione Jean Granger, I've known you since our first year at Hogwarts, and I know I was a huge git then. But I changed after the war, you know that. When we were Head Boy and Girl, it was wonderful. And then we had our relationship. And now, we've been dating for a while, so Aurora Hermione Jean Zabini-Granger, will you become a Malfoy, and marry me?" I said, and pulled out the ring box. In it was a green and red stoned ring- like Gryffindor and Slytherin. "YES!" She screamed, and I put the ring on her finger, and we kissed. I really had no control of what I did.... Weird....
(*End of Draco's dream*)

Okay, that was a weird dream........ I got out of bed to change and go to breakfast. "Hey Hermione, you ready for breakfast?" I said. "Yeah.... I guess." She replied. I knew she was worrying about the Golden Trio and what would happen next. We walked into the Great Hall, and everyone stared at us, expecting a fight to break out between us and the Golden Trio. Nothing happened. Until we sat down...... "HEY! HERMIONE! LET'S FINISH WHAT WE STARTED YESTERDAY!" Weasel yelled. "NO. RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY WE WILL NOT DO THAT, UNLESS YOU'D LIKE ME TO WRITE A LETTER TO YOUR MOTHER!" Hermione screamed back. The Weasel looked scared hahaha. "OKAY FINE! Just don't sit with us, you're not a part of our group anymore!" Weasel said. "WOAH. Stop right there." Harry said. "Sorry to break it to you mate, but you're  not part of the group. I'm with Hermione." He said. Weasel looked angry. "FINE! ALL OF YOU BETRAY ME! I'M DONE!" Weasel screamed, and stomped out of the Dining Hall. "Okay then....." I said. Hermione suddenly started sobbing into my shoulder. "Hey, Mione, it will be okay!" I said. "I know. Wait, did you call me Mione?" She said. "Uh, I guess so?" I said. She laughed. I loved her laugh. It was so nice to hear. Wait.... Did I just think that? About Hermione Granger? Whatever. I don't care right now. "Hey, let's go to class." I suggested. "We have 15 minutes." "Okay. I don't want to be late." She said. We left to go to our first class, which happened to be Transfiguration. For class we had to turn pencils into snakes. A bunch of students were really scared of snakes. Professor McGonagall didn't seem to care. I guess she wanted them to face their fears... Soon, class was over. "Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Zabini-Granger, I would like to talk to you. You both know Halloween is coming up. We should have a ball. You two decide what theme it will be, and you will have to plan it." She said. "Ok Professor." I said. Hermione just nodded her head. "Very well. Have a nice day students." She replied, and we left to go to Charms. When we got there, Professor Flitwick was already teaching. I guess we were late... "Mr. Malfoy! Ms. Zabini-Granger! Where were you? Why are you late?" He asked us. "Sorry, Professor, McGonagall wanted to talk to us." Hermione said. "Oh, okay. You are excused from being late." He said. We thanked him, and hurried off to practice the charm we were learning. At the end of the day, I found Hermione in our common room, doing a stack of homework. I sat down next to her, and started my own homework. "Hey Malfoy. We should plan that ball. Halloween is in a week." Hermione said. "Alright. Wait, did you call me Malfoy, Granger?" I said. "I guess I did. Old habit. But you called me Granger, Draco." She replied. "True....Old habit Hermione." I said, smirking. "DRACO! STOP SMIRKING!" She yelled. "Why should I?" I asked, still smirking. She smacked me, hard. "Don't make me punch you in the face again, Draco." She said. "OH SHOOT! YOU WON'T DO THAT!" I screamed. "Why not??" She said, smirking at me. "BECAUSE MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT IT!" I yelled. She started laughing, and punched me in the arm. "OW! STOP IT! YOU'RE MENTAL!" I yelled. She stopped. Then she started tickling me. I tried shoving her off, but she knocked me out of my chair, and pinned me down. "No! Stop! Please!" I wheezed, out of breath. "Fine. Only if you promise to make me dinner for the next 2 weeks." She said. "FINE! WHATEVER WILL GET YOU TO STOP!" I screamed. She grinned, and got off me. We went back to doing our homework, and it was a pretty uneventful night after that. 

Hi guys! I'm updating a lot more lately. I do this in study halls, when I have nothing to do lol. Also, if I don't have a lot of homework, I do this, and pretend I'm still doing homework lol. Also guys, we almost have 300 reads! It's amazing! I started this exactly 2 weeks ago, (April  5, 2018) and we have OVER 300 reads, thank you so much! If you like this story, please recommend it to people! Please vote and comment! Love all my readers!


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