Chapter 28

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*Ten years later...* 

"Scorpius! Get downstairs! The Potters, the Longbottoms, the Weasleys, and the Zabinis are coming soon!" Hermione yelled up the stairs. Scorpius Malfoy was a spitting image of his father. He ran down the stairs and stood at the fireplace, ready to greet everyone. The Potters arrived first. Harry had married Astoria, and now they had a 5 year old daughter named Lily. The Longbottoms arrived next. Neville had married Luna, and they didn't have any children yet, but Luna was 3 months pregnant. The Weasleys arrived, not all of them, but just Ron and Pansy, who had a 7 year old son named Ben. The Zabinis were last to arrive. Hermione's mother had come too, with Bella, Blaise and his wife Ginny. They were expecting twins, and they would be born any day now. Now, Hermione and Draco had obviously gotten married, and had a 9 year old son named Scorpius. Hermione had also just found out that she was pregnant again. "Hi!!" Scorpius exclaimed, greeting all of his uncles and aunts. (He called everyone 'Uncle' or 'Auntie' whether they were family or not. That's just how all of the children were raised.) Pansy swooped down on Scorpius, and hugged him. "Hey Scorp! Auntie Pansy has missed you so much! You've gotten so big!" Pansy exclaimed. Scorpius laughed and squirmed in her grasp. 

Hours later, Scorpius and Ben were chasing each other in the backyard, when Lily shrieked. Lily had found an old locket buried in the dirt. Astoria had instantly rushed over to her daughter when she had heard the shriek. "Lily? What's wrong?!" Astoria questioned. "Looks Mommy! I found dis necklace!" Lily exclaimed joyfully. Astoria picked up the locket. It was an old silver locket with the Zabini crest on it. "Hold on Lils, let Mommy see this." Astoria said, and walked back to the group with it. "Astoria? What's that?" Draco asked. "It's an old locket that Lily found. I think it belongs to either Blaise, Hermione or Amara." She replied, handing the locket to Blaise. He opened it and read what was inside, his eyes filling with tears. "It's not for me. It's for Hermione." Blaise said. Hermione carefully took the locket and read what was inside. 

Dear Aurora Hermione Zabini,

I'm so sorry that this had to happen. We had no intention of giving  you away, but because of the Dark Lord, we had no choice, or you would've been killed. So we sent you away. But he found out about you. I refused to tell him where you were, so Voldemort has been keeping me hostage, and torturing me. I'd do anything for you, Mia. I'm writing this in my cell, trying not to be found. I hope one day you find this and understand why you never met your real father, and I hope you understand why this happened. I could never let them kill you. It has to be me instead. If you're reading this, please, give Amara ,Blaise and Bella my love. And always remember that I'm always in your heart, and I will always love you. 

Your loving father, 

Leonardo Zabini

Hermione's eyes filled with tears. "He did that for me? My father died because of me!" She exclaimed. She ran into the house and showed Amara the locket. "You father really did love you Hermione." Was all Amara said, before turning away and sobbing. "I know." Hermione said softly, hugging her mother. The two sat in silence for a little while before getting over their tears. Hermione placed the locket in her jewelry box, (After she cleaned it of course!) and went back outside to watch the kids and talk with her friends and family.

Everyone lived happily for the rest of their lives. Hermione and Draco ended up with two kids, Scorpius and Sofie. Harry and Astoria had Lily and James. Neville and Luna had one child, named Autumn. Ron and Pansy had Ben and Henry. And Blaise and Ginny had their twins named Madison and Michael. They all lived happily, and there were no more Wizarding Wars. 

                                                                                   THE END

Hi guys! Wow, this story is finally finished! I know this chapter is a little short, but I didn't know what else to include. If you have any ideas, please comment them or message me! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me and stuck with me and this story for the whole time. I'm so grateful for all of you guys, for my 30 followers and 4.4K reads on this story. I can't believe how far I've come, and I know my writing is still not the best, but it's improving, and I hope you guys like my other stories. Tysm! I love you all!

~Gryffinclawin1129 <3

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