Chapter 14

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Hermione's POV

I had just left the library to find Draco. Somehow, I couldn't find him anywhere! I went to McGonagall's office to see if she knew where he was. "Uhhhh Bertie Bott's? Lemon drop?" I guessed. "Ah, Ms. Zabini-Granger. I suspect that you're wondering where Mr. Malfoy is?" McGonagall asked. "Actually, yes Professor, I am looking for him. Do you know where he is?" I said. "Well, he is visiting his mother at Malfoy Manor. He will be back around noon." She replied. "Oh, okay. Thanks Professor!" I said, and left for my common room. As soon as I got to the common room, I collapsed into a chair. Not soon after I sat down, there was a message that popped up. It read: "Hey Hermione! I need to talk to you, can I come in? It's Ginny by the way." I messaged her back and a little while later, she walked in through the portrait. "Hey Ginny! What's up?" I said. "Hey Hermione! I need to talk to you about something." She replied. "I know, what is it?" I said. "Um, it's Blaise." She said sheepishly. "What did he do?" I asked. "Well, he's been missing all morning, and no one knows where he is!" She exclaimed. "Same with Draco! But McGonagall said he's visiting his mother at Malfoy Manor. But I don't really believe that! Where did you check for Blaise?" I told her. "I looked everywhere! The dining hall, the Slytherin Common Room, well, I had Astoria and Pansy check there, but anyway, the Quidditch Pitch, the library, like everywhere!" Ginny exclaimed. "Well, maybe he's in the Room of Requirement!" I suggested. "Good point! Maybe I'll just wait." Ginny said. "Good idea. We should go to lunch though." I replied. Ginny nodded, and we walked off to lunch together. When we got to lunch, Draco and Blaise were already there. "Hey Draco, where were you?" I asked. "Hey Hermione! I was visiting my mum at the Manor. Why?" He replied. "Oh, well, because YOU LEFT AND I COULDN'T FIND YOU THE WHOLE MORNING!!!!!!" I heard Ginny scream at Blaise. "Well, that's why. What Ginny said." I told Draco. "Oh." Was all he replied. "So. Where were you actually?!?!" I yelled at Draco. "Urm, surprise?" He said and pulled out a couple wrapped packages. I must've looked confused, because he said "Oh right. These are for your birthday, which I know was a while ago, but I had to do something!" "Oh, uh, thanks Draco!" I replied, shocked that he would do such a thing for me. He grinned, and handed me the packages. "You can open them now or later, whatever you want." He said. "I'll open them later, we should really get to class." I told him, put the packages into my bag and left for class.

Draco's POV

Dang it! I thought to myself. She didn't open them! And she was suspicious of me! I punched a croissant. "Woah there tiger." A voice said. I looked up to see Harry staring at me. "Oh, hey Harry." I replied glumly. "What's wrong Draco?" He asked. "Everything!!!!!! Hermione didn't open my presents, and she was suspicious of me!!" I complained. Harry shook his head. "You can't be that mad at her, you love her!" He said. "I guess that's true...." I replied, looking down at the croissant. I sighed. "We better get to class before Hermione kills us." I said. Harry nodded, and we set off for class. When we got there, Hermione glared at us. I gulped. I elbowed Harry in the side and whispered, "I think she's mad at us...." "No duh." Harry whispered back. "Mr. Malfoy, Mr Potter, is there something more important than this lesson? Would you like to share your conversation with the rest of the class?" Professor McGonagall asked. "No Professor, we're sorry." Both Harry and I said. "Hm. Very well then. Meet me after class Mr. Malfoy and Potter." She replied, and continued teaching the lesson. "Now, try the spell yourselves. Remember, the spell is 'Avifors'. Try to turn your pebble into a bird. And try not to blow things up, Mr. Finnigan!" Professor McGonagall said, leaving us to figure out the spell. I looked down at my pebble. It was a plain gray pebble. I pointed my wand at it, and said "Avifors!" Nothing happened. I started at my pebble angrily. I looked around the room to see that Hermione had already finished. Of course she had. I looked at Harry. He seemed to be having problems too. I tried again. The second time, it worked! Harry started at me in awe. "You're almost as good as Hermione!" He exclaimed. "Nah, she's waaaaay better." I replied, staring at her. "Well done, Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Zabini-Granger! 5 points to Gryffindor and Slytherin." McGonagall said. Half an hour later, class was over, and it was time for dinner. Not much happened then. After dinner, I went to the Head dorm. Hermione had beaten me there, and seemed to be waiting for me. When I entered the portrait, she stood up. "There you are Draco! I've been waiting for you to open the gifts you got me." She said. She grabbed my arm, and sat me down on the couch. "Are you ready?" She asked me. I just nodded, hoping that she would like her presents. She grabbed the book shaped one. She then carefully opened the wrapping paper.  "Oh my gosh, Draco! You got me the newest version of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and  the newest version of Hogwarts; A History? Thank you so much!!!!!!! I love them!" Hermione exclaimed. I smiled at her. "Open your other present!" I said. Hermione reached for the other package. She gently opened it. She gasped when she saw a ring box. "Draco, what?" She asked. I just shook my head and gestured for her to open in. When she did, her face lit up. "Oh my gosh, Draco, it's beautiful! I love it! Thank you so so much!!!" She exclaimed. "You're welcome, Mione." I replied. "Mione?" She asked. I blushed. "Um, yeah, if you don't like that nickname, I won't call you that." I replied. "No, I actually like that nickname!" She said. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. She came up to me and hugged me. "Let's watch a tv show!" I suggested. She nodded, and we cuddled up on the couch and watched Riverdale. (I know it wouldn't have been out then, but who cares, this story can be kinda current idk) 

So, guys, sorry if I haven't written lately! I've been super busy with camps and other things. I'm back now though. I hope you enjoy this part of the story, and thank you so much for over 900 reads, and over 100 votes!! I'm so thankful for all of you guys!!!!! I love you all!

~Gryffinclawin1129 <3

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