Chapter 5: Going to Hogwarts

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Draco's POV

Today we go back to Hogwarts to repeat our seventh year. I was sitting in a compartment all alone, until someone came in. "Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full." A voice said. I looked up to see Granger standing in the door. "Ugh, fine Granger." I said, frowning. "Thanks Malfoy." Granger said. She walked inside the compartment, pulled out a book, and started reading. I got out my own book and started to read it. "Hey, Malfoy, what book is that?" Granger asked me. "The Lord of the Rings" I replied. "Really Malfoy? I never thought you were one to read, especially Muggle books!" Granger said. "Really Granger, for the smartest witch of our age, did you really forget who was second in our class? It was me Granger, plus I love to read." I told her. "Oh. Right. I forgot, sorry. Oh! And Professor McGonagall wants to see us in her compartment, about now!" She said. Granger grabbed my arm, and pulled me into Professor McGonagall's compartment. "Ah, hello Mr Malfoy and Ms Granger-or is it Ms Zabini?" McGonagall said. "Oh, um, I don't know, really either, I don't really care." Granger-or Zabini said. "How about Zabini-Granger?" I asked. "Oh, Malfoy, that's perfect! Thanks Malfoy." Granger said. "Well then, Mr Malfoy and Ms Zabini-Granger, I wanted you here so that I could tell you, that you are Head Girl and Head Boy. You will be sharing a dorm, and you have to do your head duties together. You are in charge of the other prefects." McGonagall said. Hermione- no GRANGER, looked really happy. I couldn't really care at the moment. "You may go now." McGonagall said, so we left. When we got back to our compartment, a couple minutes later Potter and Weasel barged in. (*HERMIONE IS USING HER GLAMOUR CHARM AGAIN*)"Hermione! We have been looking for you! Why are you sitting with the Ferret?" Weasel said-no, more like yelled. "Really Ronald, I am right here, there's no need to yell. And I'm sitting here because everywhere else is full, and you guys left me. So I'm sitting with Malfoy." Granger said. "Oh. Well you can sit with us!" Potter said. "Actually, you can't, our compartment is full too." Weaselbee said. "Ok, fine. Right now I think I'd rather sit with Draco anyway." Granger said. "Wait, did you just call Malfoy by his first name?!?!!??" Weasel asked. "Maybe I did. Now get out of here before I hex you!" Granger said. They left, but Potter sent an apologetic look at Granger. "I'm sorry Malfoy, but they were really annoying me, sorry you had to bear Ronald's talking." Granger said. "No, it's okay. Did you really call me Draco?" I said. "I guess I did. Maybe we should use our first names, seeing how we will be spending lots of time together." Gran-no Hermione said. "Sounds good Hermione." I said. "Alright then Draco!" Hermione said. She was smiling, and I could tell that I was grinning. We will be arriving at Hogsmeade station in five minutes. Please leave your luggage. The announcement blared overhead.

Hi guys, sorry I didn't update sooner. School is really busy right now, ugh. I will try to update more though. Once school is over, I should be able to write a lot more! What did you think of this chapter? Of the story so far? Have any suggestions? Please comment and vote! And THANK YOU FOR OVER 100 READS!!!!!!!!!!! Is that for real?!!?! 😊😊
Love all my readers!

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