Chapter 23

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Draco's POV

I sat down on the couch in the Head Common Room, anger coursing through me. How dare Hermione not accept my apology! I ran out of the portrait hole, to the Slytherin Common Room to talk to Blaise. I knocked on his dorm room repeatedly until he opened it. "Draco? What are you doing here? Why do you look so angry?" He asked. "I need to talk to you." Was all I said, so Blaise let me into his dorm. "Draco, tell me what's wrong." He demanded. "Well, Padma came and found me because of a snake in her dorm, and so I had to take care of the snake problem. Then when Padma thanked me, I kissed her. I think I'm in love with Padma now. And apparently Hermione saw us, and she got so mad at me, and she won't accept my apology, even though I clearly love someone else!" I exclaimed. Blaise gaped at me. "Draco, just earlier today you said that you wanted to marry Hermione! Marry her! Now you're in love with someone else?! Draco, really?! No wonder Hermione's mad at you!" Blaise yelled, and kicked me out of the Slytherin rooms entirely. I found myself outside of the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room.

I sat on the floor of the corridor for a while, pondering everything that had happened that night. I heard footsteps down the corridor, and hurriedly stood up, praying that it was not Filch. It wasn't. It was Padma. The girl I loved. "Padma!" I exclaimed. She jumped in surprise, but smiled at me. "Hey Draco!" She replied. Soon we were making out against a wall. (*I was so tired while writing this that I almost wrote whale instead of wall...*) There were more footsteps down the corridor, but we ignored them, and kept kissing. That was a mistake. "Mr. Malfoy! Ms. Patil! What are you doing out of bed this late?" Professor McGonagall exclaimed upon seeing us. We broke apart, and turned around to face her. "What?" Padma said snottily. "It is past midnight! You should both be sleeping in your dorms! Not kissing in the corridors!" She exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. "Fine, whatever. Goodnight my love!" I said, saying the last part to Padma. "50 points from both Ravenclaw and Slytherin for this!" I heard McGonagall say as I left.

Blaise's POV

I watched Draco the whole time after I kicked him out. How? Harry lent me his Invisibility Cloak. Draco seems to be thoroughly in love with Padma, and god, I hate her. She left after Draco did, and I could see the confusion in Professor McGonagall's eyes. Somehow, McGonagall knew that I was there, so I unveiled myself. "Hi Professor." I said. She turned around. "Hello Mr. Zabini. I assume that you are wondering the same thing I am?" She said. I nodded. "Yeah. Why does Draco like Padma now? I mean, just earlier today, well, I guess now yesterday, he said that he couldn't wait to marry Hermione. And now he's in love with Padma Patil. Do you think it's a Love Potion?" I replied. She looked slightly surprised and happy at some of my words, but worried at the end. Sighing, she said, "He really said that? I admit, I've always shipped Dramione. You may be right, it may be the effects of a Love Potion. But how he got under that, I have no idea. You were with him the whole afternoon, were you not?" I nodded. "Yes Professor, I was. And I have no idea how. Could it be a love spell? Maybe Padma cast one on him as he was helping them with the snake!" I suggested. "Oh! Mr. Zabini, that is a very good idea. Yes, it may have been that. I shall examine Mr. Malfoy to see if he really is under a love spell. Goodnight Mr. Zabini." McGonagall said, and left. "Goodnight Professor!" I called after her.

After she left, I slipped back into the Slytherin dorms. I was gonna have to do some research. I stayed up all night, well, I guess morning, researching love spells. At 5:30 in the morning, I found a spell that was a match with Draco's behavior. The spell was 'Amorea'. The effects were making the target fall in love with the person who cast the spell, if the target was in love with someone, they would fall out of love with them. The spell also causes the target to have sudden urges to kiss the spell caster. The second that it turned 7:00, I jumped out of bed and ran to Professor McGonagall's office. "Come on! Let me in!" I said to the stone gargoyles. "Bertie Bott's! Chocolate Frogs! Lemon Drops! Cockroach Clusters! Peppermint Toads!" I yelled, and at Peppermint Toads, the gargoyles let me in. I knocked on her office door. "Professor? I think I found a match to the spell Draco's under!" I said. Her door opened. "Mr. Zabini! It's seven in the morning! I would think everyone is still sleeping!" She exclaimed, but opened the door to let me in.

"Professor, I think the spell is Amorea. The effects are exactly what is happening to Draco. He's slowly forgetting his love for Hermione, and his love for Padma is growing." I said. McGonagall nodded, and looked at the book I had brought along with me. She said, "You seem correct, Mr. Zabini, but we will have to do some further studies to be completely sure. Now, please, go back to bed. I assume you've been up all night?" I nodded. "Uh, yeah." I responded, and went back to my dorm.

When I got back, I decided to sleep. I mean hey, it was Sunday, and we didn't have any classes today. Hours later, I woke up and the clock read 1:00 PM. Wow, I had slept a lot! I headed down to the Great Hall, only to find that lunch had already ended. Sighing, I went to the kitchens to ask for food.

After I ate, I saw Hermione running down the hall, tears streaming down her face. "Hermione? Are you okay?" I called after her. She stopped, and turned around. "N-no." She replied, and then her eyes widened. "Oh no, they're coming" She whispered, and ran away. I turned around to find Draco and Padma, their hands entwined. "Hey Blaise! I want you to meet my girlfriend, Padma!" Draco said. "No, I don't want to." I said snarkily, and left. "Rude. I'm sorry about him Padma." I heard Draco say from my hiding place. "I think he's just jealous of our love. I'm so sorry, my beautiful girlfriend, my love." He said. I wanted to burst out of my hiding place and attack Draco and Padma, but I didn't. Instead, I stayed still, and kept eavesdropping. "Sorry love, I have to go do my homework, I'll see you at dinner!" Draco said, and I heard him leave. Making sure my camera was recording, (Yes, Blaise has a Muggle camera!) I waited. "Yes! My spell is working! He's in love with me now, not that Granger girl!" I heard Padma say, and then she laughed. "Foolish girl, thinking she can take Draco from me, just wait, soon he'll propose to me!" She muttered to herself, and then left. I stopped recording, and pocketed my camera.

Hi guys! I actually found time to write another chapter! I'm surprised that I was able to do that, because I'm super busy. But anyway, there is even more drama happening in the story, and so we have to hope that Dramione makes a comeback, and that Drama (oh hahaha, my new ship name for them!) goes away. I hope you enjoy the rest of my story that will be coming! Also, thank you guys so much for 3.3K reads! ily all!

~Gryffinclawin1129 <3

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