Chapter 4: MALFOY Comes Over?!?!

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Hermione's POV

"It seems like our Manor is bigger than Malfoy's!" I said to Blaise. "Oh yeah. About Draco. He's coming over in like 20 minutes." Blaise said. WHAT MALFOY IS COMING TO MY HOUSE?!?!?!? "Wait...... MALFOY IS COMING HERE?!??!" I screamed. "Um, yeah....Why?" He replied. "Um, because Malfoy was only my WORST ENEMY IN ALL OF SCHOOL!!!!!!" I exclaimed. "Oh......Well then....." Blaise said. "By the way, Blaise, we got our Hogwarts letters to repeat our seventh year. Are you going?" I said. "Maybe. Are you?" He asked. "I don't know yet, I have to ask my friends." I said. Just then, our front door flew open. "HEY BLAISE! WHAT'S UP?" Someone yelled, no doubt it was Malfoy. "Oh, who's this lovely girl?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "I'll give you one hint Malfoy. YOU FOUL, LOATHSOME, EVIL, LITTLE COCKROACH!!!!!!!!!!" I said, and punched him in the nose. "Hahaha, episkey." "Granger??? Is that you?" He asked. "Yes, Malfoy, it's me." I replied. "Yes, Draco, Hermione is my long lost twin sister!" Blaise said, excitedly. "Who's older?" Malfoy demanded. "I am!" Blaise said happily. "By 2 minutes." I said, glumly. "Aw, cheer up. You're still better looking than that git." Dra-no MALFOY said. "HEY! I AM NOT A GIT!!!!" Blaise screamed at Malfoy. "Whatever Zabini, you so are." Malfoy said, with an eye roll. He smirked. My brother frowned. Just then, my little sister, Bella, ran into the room. "Who you?" She asked Malfoy, who she had clearly never seen before. "I am Draco, Draco Malfoy." Malfoy said. "You weird." Bella said, grinning at me. "Yes, Bella, Malfoy is weird." I told her. Malfoy frowned at me. "Whatever you say, Granger." He retorted. "By the way, Malfoy, it's Zabini now." I informed him. "Sure, whatever. It's still Granger to me." He said, and walked out the door. Bella stuck her tongue out at him. Clearly, she didn't like him very much. I neither did I. "Bella, did you like Malfoy?" I asked her. "No he weird!" Bella said. Blaise frowned at me. "Mia, don't say things about my friends! You too Bella." Blaise said. "Whatever, Blaise. I don't really care. Come on Bella, let's go eat lunch." I said. Bella grabbed my hand, and we went to the kitchens. "Hello Ivy! Can we get some lunch?" I said. "Yes Miss Hermione and Miss Bella! What would you like to eat?" Ivy replied. "Do you have any roast beef and Yorkshire pudding? " I asked. "Yes Miss. What would you like, Miss Bella?" Ivy said. "Um, mac and cheese with Yorkshire puddin and mashed potatoes!" Bella said. "Say please, Bella!" I told Bella. "PWEASE!!!??" Bella said. "Yes Miss Bella. Your food will be out shortly Misses." Ivy said, and disappeared to the back of the kitchen. A few minutes later, Ivy came out with our food. Here you go, Misses! Have a good day!" Ivy said as she left again. "Thank you!" I called after her. "Let's go eat, Bella." I said. "Okay!" Bella said happily. We went outside to the gardens, and ate there. Bella began to get sleepy. "Alright Bella, it's time for your nap!" I said, scooping her up. "No nap.." Bella said sleepily. Then she fell asleep. I ran to her room, and laid her down. "Sweet dreams Bella!" I whispered to the sleeping girl. Then I left to read in my room. 

Alright, guys, sorry for the end, it was just kind of a filler. Well, what do you think of my story so far? Do you like it? Please vote, and comment if you like it! Finally the weekend is here, hopefully I should have time to write more. Also, I just realized that Bella sounds like Bellatrix oops. Should I change her name? If I should, comment names, I might choose them! Okay, bye! <3 

Wait, I'm not a Granger, I'm a Zabini?!?!?!?!?Where stories live. Discover now