Chapter 8: The Big Fight

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(*Bold is Ron, Italics are Hermione*)

Draco's POV

 I woke up to the sound of people yelling. Not wanting to get up, I strained my ears to hear what they were saying. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US WHEN YOU FOUND OUT?!?!?!" A boy screamed, no doubt it was Weasel. "JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND, DOESN'T MEAN I TELL YOU EVERYTHING!!"  "FINE! BUT WHY DID MALFOY KNOW BEFORE WE DID??!?!?" "BECAUSE HE CAME TO MY HOUSE!"  "UGH! AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO VISIT US AND EXPLAIN EVERYTHING?" "NO! BECAUSE I HAD OTHER THINGS TO DO RONALD!"  "LIKE WHAT?! HANGING OUT WITH SLYTHERINS? IGNORING YOUR BEST FRIENDS? LIKE WHAT HERMIONE?" "THINGS LIKE LEARNING ABOUT MY FAMILY, LEARNING TO ACCEPT THAT I WAS ADOPTED! THINGS LIKE THAT RONALD! IMPORTANT THINGS! NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU!"  "ARE YOU SAYING THAT I AM SELF-CENTERED?!" "MAYBE I AM, RONALD! JUST GET USED TO THE FACT THAT YOU ARE NOT ALWAYS EVERYONE'S FIRST THOUGHT!" "WHY DO YOU KEEP CALLING ME SELF-CENTERED?!?!?!" "BECAUSE YOU ARE RONALD! YOU JUST THINK THAT YOU HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING! KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF OTHER PEOPLES BUSINESS, WEASEL!"  Woah, is Hermione taking after me? I must be influencing her too much.... Oh well. "DID YOU JUST CALL ME WEASEL?!?!?!? IS THAT FERRET RUBBING OFF ON YOU?!??!??!?" "WELL MAYBE HE IS! NOW YOU ARE ANNOYING ME! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COMMON ROOM, YOU WEASEL! I'M TIRED OF YOU!" "FINE! I'LL LEAVE! IT SEEMS LIKE I'M NOT NEEDED HERE!" "MAYBE THAT'S BECAUSE YOU AREN'T NEEDED HERE! NOW LEAVE!!!!!!!!" I heard Weasel stomp out of the common room. I heard Hermione crying, so I left my  bed, and went to comfort her. "Hermione? Are you okay?" I asked. "NO! He's being so rude to me! I thought I could always rely on him!" She said, sobbing. "Well, let's forget about him. I will write a letter to McGonagall, telling her that we will not be in class today, okay? We can have a nice relaxing day, doing whatever you want." I said. "Okay, thanks Malfoy- I mean, Draco." She said, looking up at me. "No problem, Granger." I replied. "Draco, can we watch a movie?" She asked. "Sure. What movie?" I said. "I want to watch The Princess Bride." She said. "Okay, fine." I replied, popping the disc into the DVD player. "I'm tired Draco." I heard, in the middle of the movie. "Okay, so do you want to take a nap?" I asked. "Maybe. Right here." She said, snuggling into my chest. I wrapped an arm around her, and she fell asleep. I decided to quietly watch The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring while she slept. Two hours later, there was a knock on the portrait. A message popped up. It read: Hey, it's Harry. Can I come in?  I replied with a quick yes, and left him to get inside. "Hey, Malfoy." I heard.  I turned around to find Harry. "Hey, I heard about Ron, and I'm sorry. Where is Hermione?" Potter said. I pointed to my chest, where she was sleeping. "Right here, Potter." I replied with a smirk. (*Yup! The famous Malfoy smirk!*) "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...." He replied. "What happened?" He asked. "We were watching a movie, and she was tired, so she fell asleep on me. Now I can't move ugh." I said. Potter started laughing. "Oi! Potter! It's not nice to laugh at people!" I yelled. "Whatever, Malfoy. Just shut up, or Hermione will wake up." Potter replied. Just then, Hermione woke up. She suddenly realized where she had been sleeping, and that Potter was in the room, watching. "Oh gosh!" She suddenly said. "Uh, hi Harry?" She said. "Hello Hermione. Did you have a nice nap????" Potter said. "Uh, yeah.." She replied, looking quite embarrassed. "I've uh, got to go to the bathroom, I'll be back." She said, and ran off. When she came back, she was looking less flushed. "What brings you here, Harry?" She asked. "Oh, well, I heard what happened with Ron, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about him, and I'm sorry that he is an absolute git." He said. "Oh, of course you heard about what happened with Weasel. And he's more than a git, he's an arse!" Hermione said. "WOAH, am I actually talking to Hermione? First you called Ron Weasel, and you just said he was an arse! Geez, this isn't the Hermione that I'm used to...But oh well!" Potter said. Hermione rolled her eyes. "I can't be perfect in everything. Especially when I room with Draco." She replied. "HEY! I'm right here!" I yelled. "I know, that's the point, Dracie-Poo!" She said playfully. I frowned at her. "Don't call me Dracie-Poo! It's Draco!" I complained. "Whatever, Dracie." She said, rolling her eyes. "Hey, Malfoy. Maybe we should call each other by our first names?" Potter suggested. "Sure, Potter, I mean, Harry." I replied. "Great! Let's go to Hogsmeade!" Harry said. "What about your classes, Harry?" Hermione asked. "McGonagall let me skip class like you guys. Let's go!" He said. "Fine." Hermione replied. We left through Floo powder. When we arrived at Hogsmeade, we saw Weasel, sucking some girls face off. "Ugh, don't look over there." I said. Of course they both looked, and saw Weasel. "Let's go somewhere else." Harry suggested, so we went to Honeydukes. Hermione went towards the Sugar Quills, Harry went to the Chocolate Frogs, and I went to the Fizzing Whizbees. We then loaded up and sweets, not just the ones we had went to at first, but tons more. When we went to pay, the witch managing checkout, looked astounded at the amount of candy we had. "Your total is: 45 Galleons, 13 Sickles, and 5 Knuts." She said. I reached for my wallet, and paid her. "Thanks Draco!" Hermione and Harry said in unison. "Don't mention it guys." I replied. We then went back to the Head common room, and Harry left to go to his common room. 

What did you think? The end has nothing to do with the fight, I know, I'm sorry. It was just kind of a filler, of what they do after Hermione and Ron fight. What is your opinion about Ron? Personally I don't like him, I just find him weird, sorry to those of you who like him-don't hate on me please! Also, THANK YOU FOR OVER 200 READS! That's amazing guys, since it's only been like 2 weeks! Love all my readers so much!

~Gryffinclawin1129 <3 

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