Chapter 6: Back at Hogwarts

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Harry's POV

The Hogwarts castle still looks how I remember it to look like. It was weird how Ron acted when Hermione was sitting with Malfoy..... I wonder why Ron was so mad? Anyway, back to Hogwarts. The first years look so happy to be here, so excited, and nervous. I remember when I first when to Hogwarts, it was so amazing. "Hey mate, what's wrong? What are you thinking about?" Ron asked. "Oh, just remember when we were first years." I replied. "Oh Ron, why were you so mad at Hermione?" I asked. "Because she's hanging out with MALFOY! I think she's hiding something from us!" Ron said. "Maybe. Why don't we ask her later." I said. "Yeah." Ron replied. Just then, Hermione walked over. "Hey Hermione! Come over here!" I said. She walked over, frowning. "Hermione what are you hiding from us?" Ron asked, cutting right to the point. "What do you mean Ronald? What are YOU hiding? Not letting me sit in your compartment? It's like you're hiding something from me!" Hermione said. I knew what Ron was hiding, he was cheating on Hermione with Lavender. (No, she's not dead, and neither is Fred.) "I'm not hiding anything Hermione!" Ron yelled. "Then what is that on your neck?!" Hermione screamed. I glanced at Ron's neck. There was a pink kiss mark. "That's Lavender's lipstick! You're cheating on me! I'm done with you, you git!" Hermione screamed, tears running down her face. "Well, maybe I am! You're just too boring!" Ron yelled back. "Woah, guys, please stop! Ron, please leave. Hermione, I want to talk to you later. Now please both of you, go somewhere where the other isn't." I said, tired of their fighting. I then realized that the whole school had been watching the fight. Oh well. Hermione went and sat at the Ravenclaw table with Luna. Ron went and sat with Lavender. I sat with Neville. "Now, since that fight is sorted, we will proceed with the sorting." McGonagall said. "Amerro, Samantha!" She called. A girl ran up to the stool. "HUFFLEPUFF!" The sorting hat yelled. "Arcalli, Thomas!" A boy walked up nervously. "GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled. "Brecian, Candice!" She called. A girl walked up. "HUFFLEPUFF!" The house yelled. "Caldrous, Mia!" McGonagall called out. "RAVENCLAW!" The hat shouted. A while later, it got to the last  person. "Zariani, Samuel!" Was called up. "SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat shouted. "And now, I will announce the prefects and Head Girl and Head Boy. Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Blaise Zabini, and Hannah Abbot are the prefects. The Head Girl is...... Hermione Granger!!!!!!! And the Head Boy is...... Draco Malfoy!" McGonagall announced. Hermione got more clapping than Malfoy, I wonder why.....I rolled my eyes at that. "Now, off to bed!" McGonagall said. We all rushed off.

Well, how was that chapter? Anyway, that took a while to write, I had to think of random names lol. Vote and comment  please! Love all of my readers! 💙💚

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