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Rey P.O.V.
I felt the crushing pain all over my body as the ceiling fell on top of me. I could feel my blood pouring out of me and into the ground as I closed my eyes and entered unconsciousness.

When I opened my eyes I felt the ceiling rise up in midair and was pushed away. I tried to stand up but couldnt. As I fell down two hands forcefully grabbed me and put me in a chokehold. It grabbed their lightsaber and held it poised at my throat. That's when I noticed her face. She had short platinum blonde hair and striking yellow eyes. The eyes of a Sith.

I heard a ship enter the ground and I knew who it was. They came for me. She kicked me to the ground and I just laid there. I heard the doors open and I saw Ben and Finn holding their lightsabers. Poe was behind them holding a blaster.

Ben stuck a hand up and she flew in the air obviously caught off guard. Ben quickly said, "You two go get her and I will get Rey."

Finn and Poe ran over to the girl and Ben grabbed me around the waist and put one of my arms over his shoulder. "Thanks for not forgetting about me." I said quietly.

"Rey I could never forget about you." He answered and he half walked me half carried me to the ship.

He laid me on the floor and said, "I have to go fight her I will be right back." He said.

I nodded and went unconscious.

Finn P.O.V.
My lightsaber clashes into hers sending a glare of purple.

"So you are the one who's been controlling me?" I shouted.

"Yes you traitor." She yelled. I heard Poe fire some shots at her but she deflected all of them and then she turned to me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Darth Nova." She answered she then attached me and my lightsaber flew out of my hand and into the ground. She then kicked my legs out from under me and I fell to the ground. She leered above me and said, "Time to die traitor."

I closed my eyes and heard a crash next to me. Kylo stood above me with his blade ignited and Darth Nova laid on the ground with a long gash on her back.

"Thanks." I said to him.

He nodded and told me and Poe, "Come on."

I stood up as Poe approached me and asked, "You good buddy?"

"I'm fine. Let's go." I ran to the ship when I heard a lightsaber ignite. I turned around and saw Poe with a red blade through his chest.

"No!" I roared. "You monster!" I quickly ran to her as she was smirking. She kicked Poe's lifeless body out of the way and I quickly threw her lightsaber away with the force and swung my lightsaber threw her torso. Both pieces of her body fell to the ground. I looked at Poe and checked for a pulse. It was faint but there.

I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the ship. I laid him on the floor and said, "Kylo help me fly the ship. It's the only way to save Poe and Rey."

He nodded and we went to the seats and entered into hyperspace.

A.N. So what do you think is going to happen now?

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