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Ben P.O.V.
The Resistance has set up their weapons and snipers as I hid in the rafters ready to give the signal when that excuse of a General walked in. Then I heard the doors open and I saw General Hux and Captain Phasma carry Rey as she struggled in force-resist and cuffs. They had the right cuffs this time.

"Come out you pathetic Resistance. I know you're here." General Hux sneered as I stared at him in anger and fear. "If you don't come out your pathetic scavenger is dead." He nodded to Phasma and she struck Rey in the face with her baton. Rey fell back but managed to stand up.

"The Resistance isn't here." She lied. "It is just me."

His tall height went to loom above her as I watched. "Then why did you kill the Supreme Leader?"

"He attacked me and tried to... to-" Rey stumbled with her words as tears poured onto her face. I didn't know what to do and I quickly gave the signal to them.

"Whatever he tried to do to you doesn't mean you have an excuse for murder." He signaled to Phasma. "Do what you came here to do."

I looked and saw the Resistance had readied their weapons. Phasma loomed above her looking down at her through a mask. She was nothing but a creature behind a mask. (A.N. Get the reference?) What a coward!

"Gun is too easy." She said. "Let's make this hurt." She pulled her baton out as it pulsed and radiated with electricity.

Now. I mouthed to the Resistance. They nodded and gunshots rang out from all sides. I jumped out of the rafters and chased after Hux. He was a little out of the room staring out a window. I quietly ran to him and shouted, "Hey you red-headed bitch!" I plunged my lightsaber into his chest. His dead body fell to the floor I ran back to the ship hangar. Back to Rey.

Rey P.O.V.
I quickly got up and ran to a First Order ship to avoid the gunshots. When I got in there I scanned the area for my handcuff key. I found it on the floor. Good job, Hux. I thought. I picked it up and felt a piercing pain in my back. I turned. Phasma.

"We're not done yet." She hissed. I jumped and slid my arms in front and quickly turned the key.

"Oh yes we are." I stuck up my hand and grabbed her blaster. I shot at her chest and she collapsed to the ground. Some captain.

I went over to the window and smashed the glass with the butt of the gun. I quickly fired at approaching stormtroopers. Then one of their shots hit my ship and exposed me on all sides. I tried to fire the gun but it was empty. As I dropped it they surrounded me on all sides.

"Freeze you rebel scum." She out her arms up before saying, "Sike." She grabbed her lightsaber and activated it. The beautiful colors were still so eye-catching. She front flipped over and landed behind one and chopped him in half. She then stabbed another through the chest. She ran over and knocked ones head off his shoulders.

This isn't the Jedi way. She heard Luke say. Then she was snuck out of the battle and saw four force ghosts appear before her. Luke, a green creature, an old man, and a young man with curly blonde hair. What is going on?

A.N. So Rey sees force ghosts but what will happen in the real battle? Stay tuned!

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