Chapter 3

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"Shit!" I cursed under my breath.

I'd just burned my hand on the rack of the oven as I was taking out the salsa verde chicken enchiladas I made for Shawn's lunch. I set the pan on a hot pad and ran my hand under cold water. Burns and cuts were not uncommon when you worked in a kitchen, but that didn't make them hurt any less.

"You okay?" I heard from behind me.

I was embarrassed that he'd heard me curse, since it felt unprofessional. It was my third day here and I was still on my best behavior.

"Just a burn," I said without looking at him.

I felt his presence behind me before he spoke. "Let me see."

I turned, almost bumping into him, which made him take half a step back. I held up my hand showing him the angry red line near my thumb. "See? It's fine."

"Put some ice on it. I can serve up my food," he instructed.

I got out a cup and went to the fridge to get ice. At home I'd just reach in and grab the ice, but he might be grossed out by that. Although, I touched his food constantly, so maybe it wouldn't be that weird. I leaned against the counter holding the ice to my burn.

"Should I turn the oven off?" he asked after he plated the food.

"No. I'm making some mini egg cups for your breakfasts."

He started to sit down. I walked over and grabbed some hot sauce and cilantro and put it in front of him.

"I don't know how spicy you like things, so I thought you could add some heat yourself," I said.

He gave me a mischievous grin. "I like things pretty hot."

Oh I bet you do. I refrained from saying what I was thinking, though. Something about him oozed sexuality.

I watched as he took yet another picture of the food. Seriously?

"So what's your girlfriend's verdict so far?" I asked after he'd sent her the picture.

"She thinks it looks good but that there are too many carbs."

I was instantly offended. Yes, there were carbs, but I'd made a point to make sure they were the healthiest possible carbohydrates. Today's tortillas were made with organic whole wheat flour.

"If you want me to stop using carbs, just tell me," I said as I tossed the ice cube in the sink. The pain had subsided.

"Fuck that," he said. "Everything has been perfect."

"Maybe you shouldn't send her so many pics, then she won't know." I was overstepping a bit here, but I couldn't help myself.

"She'd get pissed. My nutrition is her current obsession."

Shawn finished up and went to his studio, so I started on the egg cups. They were basically crustless quiches filled will veggies and cheese. While they cooled, I sat at the counter and checked my phone. I had several texts from my dad asking me to pick a few items up on my way over to our catering company. I was going to try to get three to four hours in there before coming back here to make dinner.

I felt a buzz and saw that Shawn had left his phone on the counter. I couldn't help but glance at it. It was a text from his girlfriend.

Kat😍: since when are enchiladas healthy?

Another text popped up.

Kat😍: you need to talk to your "chef"

Oh, you bitch.

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