Chapter 75

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Gasps, whoops, cheers, and applause filled the room after Shawn announced that the engagement party was actually our wedding. I looked at my mom and dad and smiled. They had no idea. In fact, no one knew except for Roslyn. They were clearly overjoyed, as was the Mendes family. Our parents and siblings took turns embracing us as they told us how wonderful this decision was.

After a minute or two of congratulations, Shawn motioned for everyone to settle down. "I'm glad you're all so happy for us! We're going to proceed with the ceremony. Paige and Andrew, if you're willing, we'd like you to stand up for us."

Paige hurried over and hugged both of us.

"Of course!" she squealed. She then wagged a finger at me. "I cannot believe you kept this a secret!"

Andrew also gave us hugs. He looked at Shawn and said with a huge grin, "You're supposed to run every big decision by me!"

Shawn laughed. "Sorry, buddy. We had to keep this one on the down-low."

Roslyn then stepped forward. We'd spoken with her right after we'd made the decision to change the engagement party to a wedding, which was the idea Shawn had run by me the month before. We needed someone to help with the planning and also needed someone to officiate. She'd gone online and become ordained, while we obtained our wedding license through the local government. Shawn had been terrified that someone working at the courthouse would leak our news, but luckily no one did.

Shawn and I turned to face Roslyn. Paige was next to me and Andrew stood by Shawn. Our parents were to the sides of them.

Roslyn started by addressing everyone.

"Tonight we have come together to witness and celebrate the joining of these two lives. Chelsea and Shawn have something extraordinary, which all of you who have watched them as a couple know. The writer Richard Bach said, 'A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we're pretending to be.' The two people standing here have the keys and locks that fit together perfectly."

She then looked at us. "Chelsea and Shawn, you've written your own vows. Please share them with each other now."

We turned to face each other. Shawn took my hands in his and smiled at me. I went first.

"Shawn, you're the love of my life and I'm thankful every day that we were brought together because of your need for a chef. If you actually knew how to cook, we wouldn't be here today."

Shawn threw his head back and laughed and everyone joined in.

"But you couldn't cook and that was fortuitous. It took time for us to connect and become a couple, but when we did, it was a beautiful thing. We experienced some heartbreak, had a long period apart, but in the end we found our way back to each other and our love is stronger than before. I'm the luckiest woman in the world to be standing here with you, ready to pledge my love to you for the rest of our lives."

Breaking protocol, Shawn leaned in and gave me a tender kiss before starting his vows.

"Chels, the second I laid eyes on you over two years ago, I knew you were trouble. I knew deep in my soul that the fiery redhead who fed me the best food of my life and didn't put up with my shit was going to shake up my universe. Falling in love with you was a welcome earthquake. You turned my life upside down and made me a better man. You taught me empathy and patience and how to make the perfect chocolate cake. I love you, and I'm so excited for what's ahead for us."

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