Chapter 62

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As spring turned to early summer, business picked up at my bistro. The addition of the outdoor cafe tables were one cause of this. My restaurant was on a corner, and between it and the next building was a wide alley for foot traffic, not cars. This was where my patio was situated. I had room for five tables which were enclosed by tall wooden planters that I'd filled with plants and flowers. These seats were the first to fill up on warm days. I'd had to increase my waitstaff to keep up with the business.

Shawn was halfway through the European leg of his tour, and was doing great playing some of the biggest soccer stadiums. Our friendship remained steady and grew less awkward as time passed. I still loved him, though. I knew he loved me, too. It was apparent in the way he looked at me and in the way he said my name. It's not like Chels was anything special, but when he said it, it gave me shivers.

He never tried to push for us to be more than friends. On the occasions we'd seen each other socially, I refrained from making too much eye contact like I had that one night. So even if the feelings were still there, we kept things platonic.

One weekday afternoon I was in the kitchen making individual lemon bundt cakes when one of my servers approached me.

"A customer wants to talk to you," she said.

"Oh. Is there a problem?"

"I don't think so. She hasn't ordered yet. She's sitting on the patio."

I took off my apron and washed my hands. I told my cook, Stef, to listen for the timer for the cakes, though I figured I'd be back before they finished baking.

When I walked outside I saw a woman sitting at the farthest table. She wore a baseball cap and sunglasses. A car seat was on the table in front of her. Despite the attempt at a disguise, I knew who it was immediately.


I took a deep breath and walked over to her. She looked up and gave me a weak smile.

"How can I help you?" I inquired coldly.

"Hi, Chelsea. I'm sorry to show up unannounced, but I need to talk to you. Do you have a minute?" she asked as she removed her sunglasses.

I was shocked to see she had on no make-up and looked very haggard.

"Actually, I was baking."

"Oh. I promise I won't keep you long," she said, her eyes pleading with me.

"Let me go tell my cook to finish the cakes I was making. Can I get you anything?"

"Whatever type of cake you have sounds lovely. And some tea?"

I nodded and went inside. It was a slow time of day so it was no trouble for Stef to take over the baking. I got Kat one of the bundt cakes I'd made earlier and some hot tea and carried them out to her. I then took a seat at the table and looked at the sleeping baby in front of me.

"He's beautiful," I said truthfully.

"Thank you. He's such a sweet baby, too. This was our first big trip, and he's been an angel."

"You didn't fly here to see me, did you?" I asked.

She finished chewing the cake she was eating. "No. I had business in New York. We took a detour here on the way back to LA."

I couldn't fathom why Kat Adams needed to see me, but whatever it was, I wanted her to get it over with quickly.

"Kat, can you please get to the point regarding this unwelcome surprise?" I said quietly so no one but her could hear.

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