Chapter 20

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As I tightened the laces on my shoes at the start of our trek, I wondered if I was going to regret this. I didn't want to admit that Kat's obvious annoyance over the team wanting me to go had helped cinch my decision to go. When I'd finally agreed last night, I saw a frown flicker across her face. Ha!

"Everyone has water, right?" Andrew asked before locking up the van we'd driven to the parking lot at the base of the trail.

We all nodded or said yes. There were five of us. Andrew, Shawn, Scott, me, and Kat. Shawn's on-again-off-again girlfriend was wearing tiny denim shorts and a tight cropped top. She was tanned and gorgeous and made me feel inadequate in my comfortable khaki shorts and light blue t-shirt. I was tan for me, but that wasn't saying much. Before we left the house this morning, I'd slathered on the sunscreen. I wasn't risking a bad burn today and skin cancer 30 years from now.

The slope of the trail started at a gradual incline and got increasingly steep. I definitely felt it halfway up the ridge and was thankful any time someone suggested stopping to have a drink, eat a snack, or take a picture. I'd made homemade granola bars to eat along the way, and had packed sandwiches to eat when we reached our destination. The guys wore backpacks that contained all the food and extra drinks.

After a picture break, Kat fell in line hiking next to me.

"Dinner last night was really good," she said loudly. "I loved the chicken!"

I smiled, knowing this compliment was more for Shawn's benefit than my own. he was ahead of us and would surely hear her praising me.

"Thanks," I said.

"And breakfast was good, too. You make great scrambled eggs."

Kat had stayed over last night. It killed me a little laying in bed knowing they were in Shawn's bedroom having sex. I'd put my earbuds in and turned my music way up so that I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't handle listening to either of them moan.

I told Kat the secret to my fluffy eggs and she pretended to be interested. Apparently she wanted things to work out with her and Shawn if she was putting this much effort in with me.

We were all hot and sweaty when we reached the end of the trail. We found a clearing, spread out a blanket, and sat down to have our picnic lunch. It crossed my mind that getting back up was going to hurt. My legs were stiff and tired. I kept telling myself that going down would be much easier and faster.

I was wrong.

We had maybe a mile left to go and I was feeling happy knowing that the end was in sight. My mind was focused on the long hot soak I'd be taking in my bathtub as soon as we got back to The Woodshed. I figured I might even be able to squeeze in a nap before we went out to dinner. Andrew had made 8 o'clock reservations at Nobu Malibu. Everyone was leaving over the next two days, and he said we had to celebrate the successful month. I suspected the night out was more Shawn's doing than Andrew's.

Apparently my bath daydream distracted me because I stepped in an indentation in the path and my left ankle gave out completely. As I fell to the ground, I immediately knew I'd done some damage. That didn't stop me from trying to get up as Andrew offered me a hand.

"You okay?" he asked, his face concerned.

"I'm sure I'll be fine. We don't have much further, right?"

I then tried taking a step. The pressure on my ankle shot pain up my leg and I started to crumple to the ground again. Thankfully Andrew caught me.

"Hey! Hold up!" he yelled to the rest of our party who had missed my embarrassing tumble since they were ahead of us.

Everyone turned around and saw him holding me up. Shawn ran over to us and helped support me from the other side.

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