Chapter 67

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I woke up and felt a split second of disorientation before I realized I was in bed with Shawn. He was snoring softly in my ear as he held me in his arms. We'd stayed in the exact same position all night, which usually didn't happen. Everything about being back with Shawn felt right, and for the first time in almost a year, I felt complete.

I closed my eyes and reveled in this feeling. The room still smelled like sex, though we'd only done it once. We'd arrived at the condo in the wee hours of the morning and Shawn was exhausted after his performance on stage. I knew we'd probably spend the day making up for lost time, and the thought of this did things to me.

"Baby?" Shawn murmured into my hair after twenty minutes or so.

I rolled over so that I could look at him.

And what a sight he was.

Puffy, sleepy eyes. Crazy hair. Red, slightly chapped lips. Maybe it didn't sound gorgeous in its individual components, but the total package was breathtaking.

"Mmm?" I hummed.

"My arm is asleep. I can't feel my hand at all," he said as he carefully pulled it out from under my neck.

"We slept hard last night," I said with a giggle as I watched him try to wake his dead limb up.

"We didn't even go to bed until four, and we've slept most of the morning away," he said.

I couldn't remember the last time I'd slept past 9:00. I also couldn't remember the last time I'd gone this long without checking on my restaurant. I considered calling Roslyn, but she would have called me if there was a problem. She was amazing and I was thankful every single day that she'd agreed to work for me. Between her and Paige, I had an incredible management team.

"I'd love to make you breakfast," I said as I sat up, gathering the soft insanely high thread count sheet around me.

"I'd love that, too, but my fridge is empty except for some drinks. Can I take you out?"

I wasn't surprised to hear he had very little food. For one thing, he'd been on tour. For another, he wasn't much of a cook. He'd loved having a personal chef for a reason.

"On a date?" I asked.

He smiled. "We're back together, yeah? So why not?"

Why not? We'd made it clear last night that we were a couple again, so who cared if we were spotted out in public?

"We'll have to run by my place so I can shower and change," I said.

"You're going to shower here with me, Chelsea," he told me, his voice still rough from having just woken up, "but we can swing by your place after."

I felt a ripple of desire surge through my body as I thought of shower sex. Shawn had the most amazing shower with multiple heads, including one on the ceiling, beautiful tile, and lots of space. Getting fucked in that type of luxurious environment was the icing on the cake.

That made me think of something.

"Can we run by the store after brunch? I want to grab some groceries. I'm making your favorite dinner tonight."

His eyes darkened. "And my favorite dessert?"

"Maybe," I said coyly.

He let out a very primal moan before pulling me on top of him. He attacked me with kisses all down my neck and collarbone. I could feel his arousal against my body.

"It's cute how much you love chocolate cake," I said with a giggle.

"Shower. Now!" he commanded.

After a very long, very hot shower, I changed into a pair of Shawn's shorts and a t-shirt. We had a cup of coffee in his kitchen before going to my place. I hated having to take my coffee black, but his fridge was as bare as he described. I needed to pick up some cream at the store or I'd be suffering on any mornings I stayed over.

As I changed my own clothes in my little studio apartment, Shawn sat on my couch looking at his phone.

"The Price of Love is all over the Internet," he said. "Apparently everyone knows it's about you."

I laughed. "My name is Chelsea Price. Are you surprised people made the connection?"

"I think the fact that we were openly together last night probably helped, too. There are some cute pictures of us, baby. We're both smiling like fools."

I sat down next him and watched as he swiped through a bunch of photos. We did look insanely happy.

"It's so obvious we're in love," I said.

He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "For awhile there I thought you'd stopped loving me and it killed me. Then one day, right before leaving for the tour, I stopped by the bistro to grab lunch and you were at the bank or something. Paige sat down and talked to me."

This was news to me. I had no idea they'd spoken. Of course my best friend hadn't mentioned it.

"Oh? What did you talk about?"

He bit his bottom lip. I could tell he felt he'd perhaps said too much.

"It's okay, you can tell me," I said. "I'm not going to be mad at you or Paige."

"She asked me if I was going to try to fight for you or at least try to win you back. She said it was ridiculous for two people in love to be apart. I said I didn't think you loved me like you once had, and she punched me in the shoulder and told me I was stupid."

I could picture Paige doing that and it made me smile.

He continued, "That's when I knew I had to wait for you. I could have gone on tour and fucked around, but knowing you still loved me and that we still had a chance made me want to stay true to you. I honestly didn't want anyone else, Chels."

I grabbed his hand and kissed him on his swallow tattoo. It meant the world to me that he'd been invested enough to stay celibate for over half a year. He was Shawn Mendes, for god's sake. Women threw themselves at him on the regular. It wasn't just that he didn't actively pursue getting laid; he had to turn down numerous gorgeous women who were willing to have one night with him. A weaker man couldn't have done it.

I looked into his brown eyes, "I couldn't even go on a date with someone. This cute guy named Mark kept coming by the restaurant and flirting with me. It was kind of funny how bad he was at it. Eventually he asked me for my number and I lied and said I was in a relationship. Maybe it wasn't a total lie since I still felt committed to you."

"Mark? He's not still showing up and flirting, is he?" Shawn asked testily, his cheeks turning pink.

"No, he's not. Once I shot him down he never came back."

"Good," he said with a scowl, his forehead wrinkles making an appearance on his perfect face. "But you thought he was cute, eh?"

"Cute like I think puppies are cute. He was certainly no smolderingly sexy tall dark and handsome Canadian rock star."

He rolled his eyes.

"You're adorable when you're jealous. It's kind of hot," I said as I stood up. I grabbed his hands and pulled him towards my bed. "Very hot, actually."

I spent some time licking and touching every part of his body that made him a cut above all other men. He then fucked me in a way to prove that I was his and his alone. I said a silent thank you to Mark for bringing out this side of my man.

Shawn took me to a late brunch at a diner he loved. I was famished after multiple rounds of morning sex so I ordered a platter that included over easy eggs, a hash brown, sausage, and toast. He got a breakfast sandwich and a stack of pancakes but said they didn't come close to comparing to mine. I'd snuck several bites of the pancakes and had to agree with him.

While we were in the diner, several people took notice of Shawn, but thankfully no one disturbed him. I often wondered what it felt like to be stared at incessantly. Or filmed. I would never get over the gall of people who thought it was totally fine to take videos or photographs him while he was out in public trying to live his life.

As I sat across from him, I knew I was so lucky that he was mine. Again.

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