Chapter 19

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I brought lunch to the studio. It was more of a snack, so there was no reason for everyone to come to the dining room to sit down. I carried the food in on a tray, but didn't bother with drinks since there was stocked fridge full of beverages right there.

Everyone seemed a little worn out after the late session the night before, and I felt they could use a pick-me-up. After I dropped off the food, I whipped up a batch of brownies. While they baked, I called my mom at the catering office. I tried to touch base daily via text and call every couple of days.

"Hi Chelsea, what's new?" my mom said as she answered.

"Not a lot. Waiting for some brownies to bake. I'm making your spiedie chicken tonight for dinner."

She laughed. "Sounds delicious. Have you received any marriage proposals? Guys love a woman who can cook."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. You're funny. And no. Why are you always so hot to see me matched up with someone? I'm loving the single life."

It was okay to lie to your mom about these things, right?

"As long as you're happy," she said.

I knew that what she meant was that I'd be happier with a man.

"I'll be home soon. You and I need to go get pedicures. I'm overdue," I said.

My mom and I usually got our toes done every three weeks during the warmer months. It was nice mother-daughter bonding time, and we both loved the pampering.

"I'll book us an early morning appointment for a few days after you get back," she said.

Just then, Shawn walked into the kitchen. "We ran out of napkins. Something smells good," he said as he grabbed what he needed.

"Brownies. Your bowl is in the fridge if you want it," I told him.

He gave me a thumbs up and a huge smile and went back to the studio.

"Who was that?" my mom asked.


"He likes you. I can tell by his tone."

I groaned into the phone. "He said less than ten words to me, and there's no way you heard his tone through the phone. Plus, he still has a girlfriend."

"No! She's back?"

"Unfortunately. So stop with your silly speculation," I admonished her.

"What bowl is in the fridge," she asked.

"The brownie batter bowl. I always give him the bowl to lick. He loves it."

"Ah. So you like him," she said as if it was a fact.

"So how's Drew?" I asked, abruptly changing the subject.

"I actually have news regarding your brother, though I was going to wait until you got home to tell you."

I waited for her to continue with the news. She said nothing.

"You can't just say that and leave me hanging," I said.

"But I wanted to tell you in person so I could see your face!"


"Fine! You forced it out of me! Lainey is pregnant! She's four months along. They waited to break the news until after she was well past the first trimester."

My sister-in-law had miscarried twice in the last two years, so this was huge news.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for them!" I gushed.

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