Chapter 37

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Shawn had an interview at a radio station the next morning. I stayed at the hotel since there was no reason for his chef to attend a promotional event. At least I was able to watch the interview stream live over my phone. The DJ started off asking questions about the festival tour and then moved on to the new music that had recently been recorded. Lastly, he touched on the subject we'd suspected would eventually come up.

"So people are talking about how you are traveling with a pretty young redhead," he said.

"That's Chelsea. She's my chef," Shawn responded matter-of-factly.

"You travel with a chef? How very posh."

Shawn laughed. "This is the first time. I'm hoping that maintaining a healthier diet on the road will be good for me. I tend to go to the other extreme when I travel."

"Smart lad! I'd use the tour as an excuse to eat anything and everything! So are things still going strong with you and Kat Adams?" The DJ inquired.

"No, we went our separate ways a couple months ago, actually."

Thankfully that ended that line of questions. This was the first time either Kat or Shawn acknowledged the break-up and I felt a bit uneasy about it.

Shawn had several public appearances that morning which I obviously did not attend. A car picked me up to take me to Wembley where the festival was being held. Andrew met me and gave me an all access pass and then led me down some winding corridors until we got to Shawn's private dressing room.

Andrew looked both ways down the hall before knocking. Shawn answered and I hurried inside before I was spotted.

"You have fifteen minutes," Andrew told us before shutting the door.

Shawn plopped down on the couch and I sat next to him. He gave me a quick kiss.

"You handled the interview well," I told him.

"He seemed to buy that you are my chef. Hopefully if that idea gets established, no one will feel the need to question it again."

"Did you mind being asked about Kat?"

He shrugged. "It's probably good that it's out that we've broken up. Now no one will think that you and I overlapped with my relationship with her once we go public."

"Have you talked to her yet? About us?" I asked.

"No. I'll do that after the first leg of the festival run."

I knew Kat well enough to know that she'd be suspicious of me touring with Shawn. He probably should have talked to her before we left, but that wasn't my decision to make. I changed the subject.

"I'm excited to watch you perform today. Are you nervous?"

"A little. It's only a forty minute set, though. That's nothing," he said.

It wasn't nothing. It was actually something spectacular. I was able to stand off the the side of the stage to watch the whole performance. Shawn was amazing! Every song was perfection and he had the crowd whipped into such a frenzy that there where times when I couldn't hear Shawn over the sound of thousands of fans screaming out the lyrics. It was hard not to leap into his arms as he came off the stage. All I could do was smile and tell him how great he was, though.

Because he'd had a fairly early time slot in the festival line-up, the entire team went out to dinner at a pub after the show. I loved having a chance to get to know the band, and once everyone had consumed a couple pints, we were getting along like old friends. They all made me promise to cook them dinner at some point, which I happily agreed to.

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