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Sitting there, alone, for what seems to be forever now I deeply thought to myself as I was staring at a particular picture on my wall.

As the days have been passing by it's not one that I don't think about what my life would be like if I didn't get away from my purely evil father.

I reside now in L.A. in my own little condo that my friends have helped me to get.

I wish my mama was here ... I miss her deeply. Everything used to be almost perfect when she was alive and very much healthy. Just as happy as she could be..

I wonder what my father is doing.

Is he plotting on ways to get me back?

Is he possibly stalking me right now, waiting for me to leave my house so he could snatch me up?

Is he gonna kidnap me again and this time possibly hold me against my will as a sex slave?

Okay... that was a little too extra and I'm overreacting, but I'm still curious. Only god himself knows what that man is doing.

As I continued on with my donut that I had just freshly warmed up, my phone began to ring as Zae, my best friend, contact name popped up on the screen.

I smiled lightly and answered as I had then placed her on speaker phone

" Hey boo " I said

" Hey bebe .. are you dressed yet or you stuffing ya face with them donuts Lucas brought you yesterday? " she questioned me

I lifted my eyebrows as I slowly chewed on my donut that was completely filled in my mouth.

" Totally not the second one " I lied

" Mhm .. fat ass .. anyways. I think Lucas is on his way to you now .. or whatever he's doing " she said

I nodded as if she could see me

" Wait I thought you was coming to get me? " I asked

" Oh yeah .. Well see what had happened was I was coming, but Sammy called me and said he was taking me somewhere so yeah .. sorry " she said

I rolled my eyes

" Mhmmm " I said

" What? I'm telling the truth ... you can call and ask Sammy himself " she said

" Yeah .. ight I know what y'all slick asses tryna do " I said

" What? I can't hear what you're saying! " she said

" Now you know damn well- "

" I- can't- hear- you- Byeeee love you! " she said as she then hung up in my face

I shook my head laughing at her goofy ass.

I took another bite of my next donut and as soon as I did, there was a knock at my door. Getting down from my stool I walked over to the door and opened it to reveal Lucas

I smiled

" Hey Luc " I said as I turned and walked off

" Hey Kira " he said as he came in behind me and closed, locking the door

" Zae was just telling me you was probably gonna come over here.. " I said as I sat in my stool while looking at him

" Yeah .. I kinda figured you would most likely be stuffing your face with donuts early this morning, so I figured why not bring you some real breakfast " he said as he sat the IHOP bag on the counter

I smiled as I looked at him

" Hey donuts are real breakfast " I said

He chuckled

" Yeah .. only in your world " he said

" But thank you ... you didn't really have to do this for me " I said

" But I wanted to ... it's only right. I know you over here alone. I'm sure you would like company sometimes, but too shy to ask " he said

" Okay .. maybe " I said

He smiled as he sat beside me

" But hey ... this food ain't gonna eat itself that's for sure. Let's eat ma " he said

I chuckled and we began to eat.


I hope y'all like the re-write.

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