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On the way back Kira fell asleep on me

She was beautiful even asleep

Stroking her hair my hand somehow finds my way to her stomach

I feel her body shiver a little from the touch and I can't help but to smile

I was thinking about what the guys said

Could she really be pregnant?

Nah... she wouldn't hide it from me

Thinking she was about to move my hand she places her hand on mines

" Goals! " Diggy yells as I jump from his voice

Laughing I shake my head.. I never realized how sprung I was about this girl.

1 hour later...


" Sammy move your country ass out my way! " I yell

This nigga kept trying to steal my oreos

" Okay but I want one " he whines

" No! " I yell

He frowns

I don't even know why he tried it knowing I don't share.. especially when it comes to my oreos!

" Cmon na how you gone do a nigga like that? " he asks

Rolling my eyes I start to eat them again

" I hope the baby isn't this selfish " he says rubbing my stomach

Smiling I look down

" Don't tell Lucas cause that nigga gone have a whole tantrum " I say out of all seriousness

" Why? It was gone happen eventually " he says

" Just... don't " I say

He nods

" Thanks " I say smiling

He smiled back

" Your welcome babe... Can I have a oreo now? " he asks

" Hell no " I say

He frowns then snatches one running out

" Samuel! " I yell getting up and running behind him

Thoughts? ❤️

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