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8 weeks later...


" And you sure your not pregnant? " Lézae asks

" No... I don't know " I say confused

I haven't had my period in a month I think I'm pregnant.. Lemme rephrase that

I know I'm pregnant.

" Girl I got some tests let's go whatchu waiting on?? " she asks

Nodding me and her stand up going into the bathroom and she hands me two

" Okay take those.. Those are the good ones " she says

Nodding as she closed the door I take them nervously

After I finished I stood up,wiped myself, and washed my hands opening the door

" Okay " I say

She walks in and we sit on the ground together laughing and having a good time

20 minutes later...

" You gotta look at it " she says

I shake my head no

" You look at it " I say pushing it towards her

" Uh uh you the one possibly pregnant, you do it " she says pushing it back

" Well your the one who said I should take one so you do it " I say pushing it back

" No.. you " she says pushing it back

" No you " I say pushing it back

" No you " she says repeating what I just did

" No you "

" No you "

" No you "

" No you "

" Okay how about we both look at it " I say putting it in the middle

" Yeah " she says smiling and shaking her head

Breathing heavily we place our hand on it both and flip it as I close my eyes

" Hey! You a cheater " she says

" What does it say? " I ask

" Oh.. my " she says with a tense of excitement in her voice

I peek through

" I'm scared is it positive or what?? " I ask

" Girl open ya eyes " she says laughing

Moving my hand slowly I look at it and tear up smiling

" I'm pregnant " I say

I start crying

Not only am I happy but I'm sad.. what if Lucas don't wanna be a father at the age of twenty?

We both are but so young...

" Kira I'm happy for you. I can already tell your gonna be so beautiful pregnant and ya little baby bump is gonna be so cute on you! " she says smiling from ear to ear

" Thanks Zae " I say wiping my eyes and smiling

Laughing through the tears Lucas , Diggy & Sammy walks in

" Guh what the- Why you crying? " Diggy asks

I swea' he don't care he just so rude.

" Yeah.. Who hurt you?! " Lucas asks

" Who ass we jumping?? " Sammy says popping his knuckles

I laugh as Lézae mumbles

" Dumbass " she says rolling her eyes

" Don't worry guys these are happy tears " I say

" Well why you crying happy tears? " Lucas asks walking further in

" Because.... Zae is gonna buy me some donuts " I said

He rolled his eyes

" You had me scared " he says

I laugh and wipe my tears

" But- "

" Ain't that right... Zae " I gritted cutting her off

" Yeah " she said

I smile at her innocently

I don't want Lucas to know just quite yet.

Kira's pregnant! But why can't Lucas know? 🤔

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