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I've honestly never seen Kira like that before ..

Whatever attacked her or whatever happened sure does have her shooken up.

" What you think happened? " Sammy asked

" Shit ion know .. " I said

He shook his head

" Do y'all think she was just ... you know ... fighting with herself or something? " I asked

" Whatchu tryna say? " Zae asked

" I mean ... exactly what it sounds like ... Kira does seem ya know .. crazy " I said

" She's not crazy Diggy " she added

" Hey you never know " I said

" Nigga what makes you think she would possibly be fighting with herself? She ain't mental asshole .. " Sammy said

I shrugged

" Hell ... ion know it's just a assumption .. " I said

" You always saying some stupid shit Daniel shut up sometimes " Zae said

" Tuh .. rude as fuck " I said

She rolled her eyes and I just hit the blunt as Sammy passed it back to me.

" She been through it with her Pops .. even if she was fighting with herself you can't blame her for being crazy. Shit fucks up people minds bro " Sammy said

I nodded

" Yeah ... true .. but she'll be okay she's strong " I said

" And she has Lucas. Lucas is overprotective as hell " Zae added

" He sure is .. " I said

" Exactly .. I'm sure nothing won't happen to her again since he's there with her now. She's gonna be alright " Sammy chimed in

" Mhm... " I said

I hope so.




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