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2 days later..


Ever since Jr got hit and is in that coma Kira never left that hospital bed

She has been doing nothing but holding him while crying

" We have to run some tests on him..We gonna have to ask you guys to leave the room while we do so " the nurse said

I nodded and got up going over to Kira shaking her

Her eyes fluttered up at me and she looked really tired

" Babe..We gotta go so they can make sure he's okay " I said to her

She started crying again so I picked her up carrying her out

" H-He's gonna die " she said balling her eyes out in my chest

" No he's not.. " I said sternly

" But- "

" God got him.. " was all I said

I know how close her and Jr are..

Them two never leave each other side and that's one of the reasons why she doesn't wanna send him to school but at the same time she wants him to go

She'll be there till the end of time for him... this girl even told me she would risk her life for him.

And imagine how she feeling on the inside..probably broken because she wasn't there to risk her life.

He got hit.. not her.

Short chapter 💙

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