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I was looking at myself in the mirror.

Scanning over my neck the slightly red-ish mark was still around it. I looked at my thighs and ran my thumb across one of the marks.

Sighing lightly I shook my head as I had pulled up my joggers. Lucas came walking in and he blew smoke in my direction.

" Babe put that out you can't be smoking in these folks hospital " I said

" So? I need it to keep me sane right now " he said

" Lord.. " was all I said

I tied up my joggers as I then tucked in my tank top. He stood behind me as he put his arms around me, starting to kiss my cheek.

Lightly smiling I continued on doing my thing.

I made sure my hair looked good as I then walked back into the room with Lucas trailing me.

" You gotta put that out " I said as I turned to him as he was taking a long drag of his blunt

The door opened and I turned looking at it as the doctor came in. I smiled welcomingly

" Just came to make sure you was okay " he said

I nodded

" Yep .. I feel better then I did yesterday " I said

He nodded as well

" Good .. take it easy now " he said

" Will do sir " I said

He walked out and I turned to Lucas

He started coughing as he blew the smoke out and I busted out laughing.

" Shit " he said as he coughed

I shook my head, smiling, as I still had light giggles. This damn fool always doing some shit.

" A nigga almost died " he said

" I told you to put it out ... you gon' set off the smoke detector babe " I said

" Mhm " he said as he went and did as told

I finished packing my bag and put it on my back then looked at Lucas.

" You ready? " he asked

I nodded and started walking to the door. He opened it from behind once we made it and I walked out first.


I laid on his bed letting out a sigh of relief

" Feels good to be somewhere safe " I said

" I bet it does " he said

I sat up looking at him as he hovered me

" I missed you " he said

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